Mr. Darcy
I read a couple of the reviews and the one written by Karen of Surreyhill PA caught my attention and so I write this primarily to her comments about Darcy. She almost laments that there are no Mr. Darcy's in the world and that being the case women all over should simply stop looking and get over it. I would simply remind Karen that yes indeed there are men portrayed by John Cusak in real life just like there are men like Darcy who are attracted to women because of their beautiful eyes, a pretty smile, and a quick wit. Not all men look for T & A. I'll grant that many do and that is sad since their is so much to admire and love about women generally. I have to struggle hard to find a women I have met that had nothing to offer. It is men who are boring! But then I have read all of Austen's books, my favorite movies are romantic comedies, and I am a major weeper and cry after almost every happy ending. I watch Pride and Prejudice and I can cry for an hour no problem. It's a movie worth crying about because it is beautiful and when people do beautiful things for each other that makes me very happy. So, Karen don't give up on men! Don't prejudge! At least try!!!