Why did this movie bomb?
Let's face it -- most movies come nowhere near the books they're based on (Notable exceptions include "Ordinary People" and "Field of Dreams." Also "Sideways"). It literally is apples and oranges with telling stories on the page vs. on the screen.
But one had to feel sorry for Karen Fowler as she sat squirming through her first movie screening, watching her wonderful novel being trashed by Hollywood. Did you catch that cute opening "montage" with everyone in such a hurry and locked to their cell phones, with the catchy soundtrack underneath? I didn't even get through the opening credits before realizing that I was spending nearly two hours with a true turkey -- and it wasn't even Thanksgiving!
It just got progressively worse. Is there any wonder why this movie made so little money? Why is robin Swicord allow to write scripts that get produced? I hope she made it up to Ms. Fowler somehow.
Gobble! Gobble!