Overall, I think that the goal of the movie is just to portray a given situation within Rio, and how it has resulted in the creation of something like BOPE. If both the state and police worked efficiently, and without corruption, there wouldn't be any need of BOPE, but, as we see in the movie, both drug dealers, police and state work together to exploit, and divide profits from drug trade.
The bottom line of the problem is that you can't reason, negotiate, or make repent, murderers and corrupts. Nor you can process them through a failed justice system, who works to protect them. An extreme solution like BOPE, is only the direct result of such an extreme problem.
In theory, as a solution for such a problem, BOPE works well, since it employs an incorruptible, highly trained and focused force, to obtain results, with minimum collateral damages. It's far from ideal, but we have to take into account the equal ruthlessness of the drug trade.
Nonetheless, as we get a chance to see in tropa 2, the real danger of BOPE, is the fact that in the end it's a highly lethal weapon, that can prove deadly of wielded by the wrong people. In this case, the corrupt governor and politician friends, who use BOPE as a puppet for their own means.
In no way can BOPE, or any similar force be seen as a solution for a social problems like those in Brazil, Mexico and Colombia. Since they are deeply rooted, and originate from the lack of education and opportunities, and BOPE are only treating the symptoms, not curing the source of illness. Sadly the use of force is required to keep drug dealers, Guerrilas, Paramilitary, and terrorist at bay, while at the same time money and resources are invested on children's education.
At the same time, if there is an specific teaching that I get from the movie, is that the purchase of ilicit drugs, comes at a very high price. I one buys or consumes them,one is directly sponsoring drug dealers, murderers, kidnappers, war lords, and basically all the scum of the earth. Blaming the gov for not legalizing is just a lazy excuse to justify yourself the right to smoke a joint. In the end you are sponsoring death and suffering.