Just wondering what everyone's favorite and least favorite episodes are? My favorite is DOES THIS BILL MAKE ME LOOK FAT where Perry and Candance switch brains. My least favorite is HIDE AND SEEK where they shrink themselves. It grosses me out when Baljeet crawls out of that fly. I personally love this show more than my kids do.
Don't know about favorite, but least favorite is probably Ferb Latin. It's just a modified pig latin with stupid body functions/gestures added - not very creative.
I know what you mean about Isabella and the Temple of Sap. The bubble one is funny with Candace driving like crazy and Doofensmirtz trying to be a country/western singer, but the Fireside Girls story isn't very interesting.
Yeah it was just dull. Aside from Isabella and the Temple of Sap being incredibly boring, is it just me or did the episode feel like a backdoor pilot for a Isabella/Fireside Girls spinoff? If so, please please PLEASE dear God, we don't need a spinoff series about them. There doesn't need to a Fireside Girls/Isabella show!
Also The one where Candace goes back in time (don't know the name) Roller Coaster musical (first half wasn't bad, second half dragged) Most of the 4th season so far and later 3rd season (especially Road to Danville/This is Your Backtory)
I liked many of the episodes of Phineas and Ferb and they can be hard to compare in terms of quality. I'll say some notable ones for me are "Backyard Aquarium", "Wizard of Odd", "Where's Perry?", "Belly of the Beast", "Excaliferb!", "Bowl-A-Rama-Drama", and "Interview with a Platypus".
There's still many other great ones too.
As for least episodes, the only episodes I really dislike (meaning that I will almost never watch them) are:
Isabella and the Temple of Sap Escape from Phineas Tower - this episode seemed dumb. The Mom Attractor - stupid. Summer Belongs to You - sorry, I know this one's popular, but for me, this episode seemed too mushy and felt out of place. Candace Gets Busted - waste of time. Ferb TV
There are others that I don't care for as much as the rest (such as "Not Phineas and Ferb" or "Tip of the Day"), but they are still enjoyable.
My favorite ep is probably still Run Candace Run. Least favorite? I'm leaning toward Rollercoaster. The show has just evolved so much since then, and I prefer the time traveling or musical versions better.
Honorable mention: Tri-Stone Area.
------ Revenge is...underrated, because that felt awesome.
Favorites: One Good Scare Ought to Do It Day of the Living Gelatin What Do It Do Skiddley Whiffers Delivery of Destiny(excellent episode without focusing on Phineas and Ferb)
Least favorites: Phineas and Ferb and the Temple of Juatchadoon Tri-Stone Area Doof Dynasty
My favorites change from time to time, but those are the tried and true ones. As far as the least favorites...I just don't care for the ones where Phineas and Ferb aren't the kids they usually are. Like in Juatchadoon, Tri-Stone Area and Doof Dynasty they're playing roles. The more recent episodes are also kinda blah. Like When Worlds Collide, Blackout, and I couldn't even finish Sidetracked. I really really love the show. It's probably my favorite cartoon ever, which is saying something. So I hate to see what seems like the writers running out of good ideas and having to resort to parodies and taking the boys to weird settings and way too far-fetched plots.
My favorite episodes by far are "Excaliferb" and "Tri-Stone Area." Excaliferb has SO many allusions to other great media, some of which are obvious and others are easy to miss. And "Tri-Stone Area" with its cave-speak was genius, as it was meant for a true fan of the cartoon series. If anyone saw this episode first, they would have no idea if Candace was asking if she was in charge, the reference to a satellite crashing, or her saying "You guys are SO busted!" And I love the bit where Candace's "neat" hair of the present is considered an abomination. LOL.
Least favorite? Probably "This is your Backstory." Too many of them strung together and not enough action or classic P&F humor.
When I think about it, I left out "Meapless in Seattle" - there was a lot of great stuff in this one. Too bad "Meap Me in St. Louis" won't be made.
"Seriously, you have a whole chamber just for extracting things? Really, it comes up that often in your life?" LOL.
For least favorites, I feel like I should add "Mind Share" (amazing how an episode involving aliens managed to be this boring) and "Bee Story". "Fly on the Wall" turned out subpar as well, largely because the Doofenshmirtz storyline in this one was probably one of the worst. (Seriously, Doofenshmirtz couldn't even think to build an "Evil-Idea-Inator"?)
Maybe a little off topic, but I was disappointed with the Duplic-8-Inator in "Hip Hip Parade", while it was a good episode on it's own, imagine what the writers could have done with a "Duplic-8-Inator" in other episodes (such as duplicating Candace or Buford or Baljeet eight times in the Phineas and Ferb story, where as eight (nine?) Perry the Platypuses face off eight/nine Doofenshmirtzes)
My new favorite episode is "Act Your Age," followed closely by the Star Wars crossover. I don't think I even really have a least favorite that I can think of. This show is so good!
______________________________________ "Evil beware . . . we have waffles." - Raven, "Teen Titans"