Maria look at Captain.

At somewhat the first of the movie Captain just on the Hellicarrier after he talked to Fury inside. He walked by Maria Hill and she to me gave a look like she didn't approve of him being there.Altough all through the movie she came off as Fury was doing things wrong.


There is a deleted or alternate scene where Maria Hill is interrogated by the World security Council and she describes Nick Fury as dangerous due to his faith in the Avengers. It's an interesting take.


Thanks I see they cut that story out. I wonder what it will be like with her and Yondu together and take over Shield later in these new movies.


I could swear it was a little longer, she say something about gods and men.


I took that she was just absorbing everything. Maybe not a 'I don't like you' look as more of a 'I'm reserving my judgement' kind of look. Like you said, she wasn't so certain of the Avengers Initiative. But, she kind of always had that reserved look, of not showing her hand.


Hill respects Fury (MCU and the source material) but she does tend to have very different ideas about heroes. She's typically one not to trust heroes and only trusts herself and SHIELD. I'd love to see the MCU Hill become someone who mostly opposes the heroes but grudgingly works with them if there is a need to.

Reading my signature constitutes admission that I am correct. (Too late)
