at 250 in the top 250
falling out soon.
shareIt is out , right now. Well, the top 250 is not perfect, but that's better. I hope that Sin city,Star Wars 7, Guardians of the Galaxy and Deadpool will the next ones to go.
sharePrecisely, my friend. I'm looking forward to that too.
shareThe force awakens is at 188 spot right now, in five months is out of the top 250.
Sin City is at 245#, its almost out, 2 months ago it was around 221#.
I was rigth in both cases....
Thanks to the Indian movies that have made it to the top movies.
But those are questionable too.
You guys are talking like the IMDb Top 250 has any value at all.
Here are the top 5 problems with the Top 250 that undermine its credibility:
5. Anyone can vote for any movie; there is no scientific sampling involved
4. You can vote once for each account you have, and all you need to set up an account is an email address
3. Some votes are counted and some aren't, in a process that appears to be keyed primarily on how many things you've voted for.
2. The scores are weighted by IMDb to correct for ballot stuffing, but in order to prevent ballot stuffing, IMDb has to keep that weighting formula secret.
and the most important reason the IMDb Top 250 has no credibility is...
1. It only counts votes from people who visit the IMDb site, which automatically biases it toward a very specific demographic.
If your theater is a space safe from ideas and opinions, you're doing theater wrong.
Yes, they should go out as well. Maybe with the exception of Sin City. The other should definetely be out of this list!
Nolan, I love you forever!share
If any Marvel movie deserves to be in the top 250 it's this one, and I would say that Guardians has a place there as well. Deadpool I liked, but really isn't top 250 level for me.
shareIts a shame BUT the list is a joke. Any list that do not have the likes of Do The Right Thing is a joke.
I don't seek justice. I stalk it!- Misty Knight