Marvel is THE unparalleled leader in cinema today
“There was an idea, to bring together a group of remarkable people so when we needed them they could fight the battles that we never could. Gentlemen, what are you prepared to do?” – Nick Fury
The answer is more than clear five years later. They were prepared to change the entertainment landscape! Every Avenger or Avenger related movie has redefined the modern blockbuster. Having each film stand on its own yet connect everything on such a deep level never ceases to amaze. It's also amazing how everyone has been rushing to copy this formula but no one can figure out how to duplicate it. Not even DC and they've been making comic book heroes since the beginning themselves.
Would you have thought five years after this movie and eight years after Iron Man Marvel would be the unparalleled leader in cinema? Marvel Studios is so prestigious that they may even be facing a backlash. They're so popular that champions of smaller studio efforts are behind the scenes trying to deflect any award or accolade. Marvel Studios makes great films and big box office EVERY time out and insiders are starting to get as grouchy as the jealous and bitter DC fanboys we see raging across the Internet occasionally. Such is the price of greatness I guess.
Marvel Studios clearly has produced the best blockbusters each on every year since 2012. How long can this run last? Will bumping the slate to three movies per year stretch them too thin? With this much talent in play, does it matter? What will be their first trip up?
"A noble spirit embiggens the smallest man."