We see that the girl disappear in the beginning, but I want to hear your thoughts on how she disappeared. Julia was alone with her child at the play ground. Then all of a sudden she disappears when Julia has her back turned for 5 seconds. I think she would have heard if someone sneaked and grabbed the child. Also, if the kid had gone hiding, she wouldn't have had enough time to go so far that Julia didn't find her. Well, that's what i think. I think they should have done the disappearance in a different way.
Well, actually, things like that do happen. And, it was supposedly in the past, like 15 years or so from the date of the movie so things like that did happen. Plus, don't forget, its' just a plot device to get the movie going. I mean, if it didn't happen then there's no movie, right?
"don't forget, its' just a plot device to get the movie going. I mean, if it didn't happen then there's no movie, right?"
Yeah, of course, but I just wanted to ask people what do they think what happened to the child, how she disappeared. To me it just seemed very awkward the way the child vanished in thin air in 5 seconds when there was nobody else. If they had made the disappearance in a different way, that would have been better, in my opinion. Like, they could have made it that there are lots and lots of kids playing together, then the mother talks to another mother and notices that her child is missing. Even that would have been better.
The disappearing scene was weak, there was not enough time for the abductor to get out of site in the time it took the mother to look beyond the playground.
Agreed. If the perpetrator was out of sight before the mother turned, he would have to cover a tremendous amount of ground (loud footsteps on tarmac), pick up a very heavy object which would immediately cry out and then manage to run out of sight. Weakest aspect of the movie.
what's even more weird is when they got to the park there was 50 people then all of the sudden it's just her and her daughter every one else was gone like the wind
If we had actually gotten to see how Maggie disappeared, I think it'd ruin the whole movie. If we got to see that she i.e got abducted, then we would probably not go back and forth guessing throughout the movie whether Louise is Maggie or not. Kids who get abducted are more often then not killed; this would lead us to believe that Maggie is dead, and that I think would ruin the suspense of the movie.
The movie was not filmed in real time. They were at the park for an hour or two, long enough for everyone to leave over that time. Plus if they showed Julia taking two minutes to pack up all of her stuff, it would have been a VERY long, boring scene. Their time at the park was edited so that we saw just the important parts instead of two minutes of a mother packing up all her things into her bag.
Only those with no valid argument pick holes in people's spelling and grammar.
We Grammar Nazis don't pick holes, we merely point out the ones that are already there.
Speaking for myself, I feel that I should get some mileage out of the taxes that I have paid to educate your young ones, to the tune of some $8000 per year per child, for their fine education that produces such well-crafted comments. I kind of hope that a person here or there might have enough pride to learn how to write a halfway intelligent sentence on their own, since they didn't learn to in school.
"...I feel that I should get some mileage out of the taxes that I have paid to educate your young ones, to the tune of some $8000 per year per child, for their fine education that produces such well-crafted comments. I kind of hope that a person here or there might have enough pride to learn how to write a halfway intelligent sentence on their own, since they didn't learn to in school."
Damn straight!
Only those who don't know how to spell or construct a grammatically correct sentence assert that those who do, have no valid argument.
No one actually sneaks up and grabs a kid in public. They usually lure the child away with candy,lies about their parents,etc. And then holds their hand and make it look their child.You probably wouldn't notice a kid being abducted in a store,mall,etc because you would think the kid is just being bad trying to run away from their parent.Thats how kids get abducted with no witnesses.
Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by rulers as useful.
For any British contributors to the board, remember Jamie Bulger in 1992 - disappeared right under his mother's nose, in broad daylight whilst they were out shopping. Not a parent myself but it can happen. I recall years ago looking after a friend's oldest whilst she was in hospital having her second and we were getting off a bus and I was struggling with his trolley, in a split second, eager to see his mum he shot off towards the road, very, very fortunately I mangaged to stop him , his little face giggling away as he couldn't wait to see mum! If something like that can happen then I suspect it is easy for someone who knows what they are doing to abduct a child.