Waiting For DVD

I hope CBC has the DVD ready for shipment the day the 1st season ends, Ive missed too much to catch up and this show is too good to watch out of order. Im gonna make a weekend out of it!

Stand by for justice!



Note to CBC and backers, my TV watching habits follow no pattern and fit into only the smallest of demographs.

Stand by for justice!


So, I guess that would be why you aren't aware that CBC basically just doesn't do DVDs, let alone right after the end of a season, right?

If you want to see this show, see it now. If it doesn't get cancelled, you'll probably have a long, long wait for a DVD to come out. Forget a DVD if it does get cancelled.



I dont have time to watch a lot of TV, better shiit to do then sit and watch advertisements anyways. I wait for DVD's. CBC is a modern entertainment company, they should realise by now DVD's make money. They have a market outside of Canada with their shiit, Da Vinci did anyways. Im waiting for the DVD or a downloadable format when they get into that. This show will last, theres enough intelligent Da Vinci viewers around to enjoy it and sit through the ads to keep it on the air for me.

Stand by for justice!


You don't have time to watch TV, but you have time to post on IMDB boards? Well, okay, whatever floats your boat. BTW, mispelling swear words to fit in as many as you can under the censorship wire makes you sound less than well educated and a bit like the kind of viewer who doesn't realize that Trailer Park Boys is satire. You might want to cut down on them.

As far as Intelligence surviving in spite of you--probably. You don't come across as the kind of viewer CBC really needs. But again, they probably will feel absolutely no need to rush to get a DVD out for the sake of your kind of viewer, either. If you really want to have any kind of influence on what they do, I'd suggest you vote by watching the show now. You don't have to listen to little old me, of course, but then, I'm not the one on a movie/television database trying to sound pseudointellectual by talking about how superior I am because I don't watch TeeVee.



Im not sure what your problem is, is it your thing to pick fights on online forums? Enjoy your television. This post wasnt made to impress strangers with my intelligence or to make friends or argue with you over spelling and how I spend my time. I simply made it to show my support for what is a great show as I cannot support it from my lazy boy. And yea I do have time on the computer to post replies to tards like you on imdb cuz I run a small online venture and spend most of my time in front of my monitors, not my television. Go pick a fight in someone elses thread chief, or get a shrink/girlfreind/gun. End it here, use your own threads for your frustrations. Stay out of mine if you have nothing to contribute.

Stand by for justice!

Stand by for justice!


FYI, it isn't Snowy's "thing" to start fights online. She, along with others, including myself, do get frustrated with people who demand that shows stay on the air or get released to DVD, but don't do anything to ensure that the program stays on. Contribute a little to improve the shows chances before running off at the mouth about DVD releases just so you can watch it for the first time.

I take it you know the CBC. If you do, you know they're a bunch of screwups (and I'm being polite using that word) who need to constant care and attention. You have to give it to them.

As for the gun remark, that was out of line. Big time.


Well, the guy writes posts as if he's texting his buddy on his cell phone (in other words, not too literate), takes a looooonnng time not to get to any point, has a remarkably poor grasp of supply/demand economics and thinks that watching "only" DVDs equates with being some kind of superintellectual hater of tv. Uh...well...okay. Whatever, dude. You just keep waiting for those DVDs that will probably never come and I'll keep taping myself a copy of each episode just in case they don't.

As for the "gun" comment, I might be insulted if I could figure out just what the hell Sirwhatshisface was trying to get at. As best as I can tell, he was suggesting that I move to Alberta and become a gun-toting lesbian. As entertaining as Rick Mercer might find this, I think I'll pass. And if he really thinks I was "attacking" him, maybe he should go somewhere else besides IMDB. I'm a wee pussycat compared to some of the wackos we get.

As for the poster who noticed the "metaphor" of Mary's big boardroom scene, you are not alone. When we were watching this week's ep and got to that scene, a buddy of mine burst out laughing and said, "I'll bet they're making an analogy to CBC there..."



Oh, I'm so jealous. You get to watch good tv with company. My friends almost all hate the shows I love. I wonder if the CBC execs got it and were irritated, or got it and were amused. Maybe both. It's a little pointed, so unless they're complete numbskulls, they didn't miss it.

And sirdigger, you know, if you do get one of those telephone surveys asking you what you watch, please lie and say you watch Intelligence. And for me, also add that you watch Battlestar Galactica.


And sirdigger, you know, if you do get one of those telephone surveys asking you what you watch, please lie and say you watch Intelligence. And for me, also add that you watch Battlestar Galactica.
end quote

Ohh I ensure you I will. I'll be supporting the continued production of this show as best I can; something snowleopard and company fail to understand.

And snowleoapard Im not sorry I struck a nerve with you, you seem deserving.

Stand by for justice!


The other thing of note to point out, is that the backers of the CBC are Canadian taxpayers. That's me. So, sirdigger1, your tv watching habits follow no pattern and fit only into the smallest of demographics...um, why should they bother meeting your demands for a DVD immediately? You do know that they're desperately trying to figure out how to attract more viewers? That they're at risk of losing perhaps the biggest cash-cow [for television programming, anyways] they've ever had, HNIC?

As an aside, does it strike you that Mary Spalding is a metaphor for younger CBC creatives desperately trying to shake up the broadcaster to keep it relevant? Her comment about more colour and skirts in the hallway with Ron Man's character was very telling [about Canadian Crown, Gov't, and arms-length org's in general].

I missed the pilot. I missed the first episode, or at least most of it. But I now try to catch it Tuesdays, and I pay close attention. If you're capable of figuring out how to use your computer, you should have the attention span to pick up plot details that will recall past events. And really, we're only four eps into the first season fercrissakes.



FYI, it isn't Snowy's "thing" to start fights online. She, along with others, including myself, do get frustrated with people who demand that shows stay on the air or get released to DVD, but don't do anything to ensure that the program stays on. Contribute a little to improve the shows chances before running off at the mouth about DVD releases just so you can watch it for the first time.

Whos running off at the mouth? I got hacked on for my post I replied in kind. Contribute a little? Like maybe by saying in a public forum I think this show is solid? As ive done. You miss the first post? Or you want me to sit in front of my tv and just hope cbc somehow counts me as a viewer? Cuz it doesnt work that way. My original post was my support. As is my mentioning to freinds and aquantainces this show is kick ass. Word of mouth advertising.

I take it you know the CBC. If you do, you know they're a bunch of screwups (and I'm being polite using that word) who need to constant care and attention. You have to give it to them.

No actually, I dont know much about CBC. Never worked for them , barely paid attention to the cpac senate hearing? concerning its future, never knew much about its programs growing up outside of hockey night in canada. But the last few years a few shows caught my attention and interest and have lead me to Intelligence.

As for the gun remark, that was out of line. Big time.

It was meant as some big word for 'exageration'. He/She was out of line in her negative responses to my ahow of support for a show I dig. She got personal by saying im trying to act all smart and at the same time telling me Im too dumb to understand what she calls satire. Where were his/her manners? I didnt provoke her in anyway and she steps in guns blazing. Which leads me to beleive I hit a nerve accidentally by saying I dont like TV and I somehow get this idea he/shes the type of person with little to no social life that vents her frustrations on undeserving people on online forums. So I strike back on this presumption.

I missed the pilot. I missed the first episode, or at least most of it. But I now try to catch it Tuesdays, and I pay close attention. If you're capable of figuring out how to use your computer, you should have the attention span to pick up plot details that will recall past events. And really, we're only four eps into the first season fercrissakes.

Im not the brightest but for me its not a matter of being able to do it, its a matter of not wanting to. Im the type of person that hate to miss a beat on any story be it tv or cinema. I dont see movies in theatres cuz i cant pause it when i gotta take a leak. i dont start a book i cant finish within a week cuz i hate forgetting plot pieces. if i had tivo or whatever id be all over watching it on tv. but i dont and my schedule wont allow me to catch this show week after week uninterupted.

If Da Vinci had a market, then why did the City Hall show get cancelled? I will tell you why, because viewers like me decided to watch House instead and watch City Hall on DVD. If you want a show to stay in production, you have to watch it on TV. It's not a difficult concept.

Why dont u just watch house on dvd then? Its available, i know cuz i got it for my mother, she loves it. You could have let the americans support hosue and you could have supported da vinci. by your thinking, id say youre the reason da vinci is cancelled.

as for how my watching intelligence is going to be monitored by cbc is beyond me. i dont have nielson, dont participate in any telephone polls or ipsos reid events, dont do lunch with cbc brass. unless im missing something major here renter, and theres little people in my box with clipboards, Id say your way of thinking is wrong.

and yes i understand its a matter of statistics and all that, but see im that guy that makes the stats right only 9 times out 10, with a 1 or 2 percent error margin.

Stand by for justice!
