OK film, but so many flaws... (SPOILERS)
I rented The Collector based not in the IMDB statistics but in user's reviews - sometimes, it seems they aren't connected. The movie as a good premise, although greatly inspired in the Saw franchise, but I've spoted some flaws and I would like to know your opinions:
1. Why the hell didn't he broke the windows' wood with something (a lamp, another piece of wood from the bed, whatever) after he saw there were razors between shades? That would cut the film in half, since he led to that conclusion after an hour...
2. Why didn't he just waited and hit the killer with something? Ok, scissors were trapped, among other objects, but not EVERY object, like statues, clocks, paintings, mirrors, and so on were traped.
3. How is that possible that a DOG could make that kind of instant damage to the cop?
4. Where were ALL the police cars when the ambulance was hit? Not one in the area?!
I would appreciate if you could add some more stuff that you noticed.