This show is...
chaos and it's overwhelming sometimes. Feel's like you can't breathe while watching it. But the chaos is entertaining.
chaos and it's overwhelming sometimes. Feel's like you can't breathe while watching it. But the chaos is entertaining.
I watched all 7 seasons.
It's quite entertaining in parts, but overall it's extremely overhyped. There's some good stuff in the show, but as a show overall, it's definitely not great. I would give it about a 5.5-6 out of 10.
My favourite characters were Sam Merlotte and Andy Bellefleur.
It's very funny at times, but also really dark. There's so much sex, it's actually quite off-putting.
My favourite "creatures" were the werewolves. The vampires were like children every time they brought their fangs out when there was conflict or an argument. It was hilarious.
For anyone new to the show, that's my short summary.