MovieChat Forums > The Town (2010) Discussion > Would the Fenway money need to have been...

Would the Fenway money need to have been laundered?

And I don't mean rolled around in a dryer either.

I mean, it seems like this is all the bills that the general public spent at Fenway for a few days. It wouldn't be marked, it wouldn't be in sequential order, it wouldn't be new and crisp. It seems like it would just be ready to spend, so that whatever they took, they could spend.

And that being the case, after a huge score like that, what would prevent any of the crew from doing what Doug did at the end, and offing the two florist shop guys? Other than the fact that they all got killed and there is no Fenway money.

What I mean is, that's enough money to be done. Even Jem was saying that he wanted to be done, too. Why give Fergie a dime, especially after he threatened all of their families when he was laying out the crime? Why not blow him and his fat old hood away and keep his share?

I want the doctor to take your picture so I can look at you from inside as well.


Good question, I think it was for a deposit in a bank. Could be wrong though, watching Ben affleck snort an oxy was great. That is in the director cut, don't know if you saw that or not.

Cult Leader my minds frightening, I drink blood from a human skull like a Viking


Well if there isn't a machine that records serial numbers on money while it is being counted, I bet there will be one some day.
Sounds like a great invention and I think the technology is already available.



The money was collected over that weekend by all the concession stands in the stadium all they would do is count it and band it up it would have been untraceable


Why would there be so much cash at fenway? I mean I guess if you had a weekend of games maybe but most people dont spend cash. They use cards. I guess if everyone in the 37k stadium spent 50 bucks cash which would be easy to do at a ball game theyd have around 1.7 mil a game but still, not everyone uses cash these days. So it would take at least 2 games for that to be the case. I dont know why they wouldnt have cash guys taking money around the clock and moving it out of there as fast as possible.


No, not at a stadium. How long has it been since you've been to a game? 

When you're sitting in your seat at a baseball game, and the hot dog guy comes by (or the beer guy, or the pennant guy, or the . . . you get the idea), what happens? You yell out, "Two!" The hot dog guy stays in the aisle, making the dogs, and in what always amazes me, you hand your money - CASH - to perfect strangers, and it makes its way down to the line to get to the hot dog guy on the aisle. And your hot dogs get to you the same way.

Admittedly, when you leave your seat and go inside to buy something at the concession stand, you might use your credit card. But that would be a lot less true in 2010 then today. And even me, the guy who uses his credit card for EVERYTHING, I would bring cash to the ballgame precisely because of all the vendors coming around to the seats, and would use cash at the concessions stands, too. It's a way of controlling how much I spend.

And $50 per person is pretty high, but it's, ahem, in the ballpark. But if I'm remembering the movie right, they do specifically state that this is a weekend homestand, so it's actually three games, not two. The point being that there is definitely A LOT of cash floating around.

Now, in reality, in real life, you may actually be right - they may very well have Brinks trucks taking cash away twice or three times a day during the games to prevent this exact scenario from ever actually happening. But we don't really know that, and therefore, the scenario presented in the movie becomes plausible. More importantly, it is the weekend - and the banks are closed.

I want the doctor to take your picture so I can look at you from inside as well.


While I agree with that but everything you stand up and go to takes a card and I have seen some of these guys have portable card readers lately as well. Im sure that is a small few though. Still, its asserting that every single person spends money at a game when a lot of people arent going to buy anything other than their ticket.
