Great there.

I loved Peter Sellers and he will always be my fave. But, Martin was hilarious in his own slapstick way. I got what I came for an humorous entertaining movie. I also saw he's not that into you, which was better than I thought and am planning to see coraline. I saw taken last week. Panther 2 will and should do well. We need funny. We don't need movie snobs killing a movie for no reason. I don't usually like remakes, but I appreciate this one for giving respect for sellers, but with each version making a spot for itself.

A film we can take people to see and not be embarrassed by language or crude behaviour as well. Which is what made the first series do well. I liked the ensemble cast and cleese was a great addition. Give it time it will do well. If you don't like a movie, honey, they don't go see the sequel. If you didn't like the first one, why did you spend money to go. And personally if you are in the business, or want to be. Your career will be short.



nice try, troll


well i dont think hi is a troll u.u ..i love the peter sellers pink panther movies, i really love in general old classic movies like the marx brothers ones, i love good cinema also like kubrick and tarantino, and i *beep* hate american pie like *beep* adam sandler *beep* and even more scary movie and all their other *beep* movie even when i know its not makes me laugh, i like steve martin, i like the way he reinvented the inspector and make me laugh..even though like i said before i recognise how many flaws has this film xD

Sorry about my english.


Ok so just because someone doesn't like the same movies as you do they are a troll? wow that's even more stupid than this movie can ever get. Which I liked by the way. It was ok. Are you gonna call me a troll too?

Beating the sh*t out of a typical Disaster Movie lover.



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World Famous in New Zealand since ages ago


"However I think people hate on the remakes out of sheer anger towards Hollywood and the whole "reboot" syndrome they have now."

The people who turn movies into hits are not the same ones who "hate on the remakes." These are people who see everything, especially if it's got enough bus ads or billboards. These people could care less whether the film is a remake, sequel, prequel or anything else. They only care about how new the film is and how well known it is and that's really it.

This movie didn't do poorly because it's a remake, it did poorly because it's just a terrible movie.



i usually hate any kind of remake but i really enjoyed this movie. it was very funny in a classic way.

You are my Shearer, Crawford, Hepburn, Harlow and my Garbo


Just throwing this out there:

You mentioned going to see Coraline, so let me explain something to you. Comparing the cinematic quality of Pink Panther 2 to that of Coraline is like comparing the destructive power of a firecracker to that of the entire world's nuclear arsenal. That's how much better Coraline is. You won't regret THAT eight bucks, I guarantee it.


Loved this movie as well. My GF and I watched it last Valentine's Day, and we were laughing all throughout the movie. We haven't watched the Peter Sellers PP movies, so we don't reallly have any point of comparison. We just enjoyed a good laugh.


GO to the DVD store and rent them!!!! You will laugh even more. I love films I love good films. Now what Hollywood have done have angered a lot of Peter Sellers fans because of a few things, calling the new movie Pimk Panther 2, which belittles what was done before!!! This is such a hug mistake should not have been done, if the films had different tittles like no 8 then I think a lot of people would have been happier.

As for me I will tell you why this movie stinks, Steve Martin sounds like he has a chewing gum in his mouth trying to put on a funny accent, no talent at all!!! in that department, if you watch Petter Sellers he is fluid in what he does, you just have to watch him and see him and you will laugh, because he acts as thought he is being serious, thats the difference to me. Petter Sellers is not looking for the laughs he is the laugh he made the character, Just watch the film "The Life and death of Peter Sellers," how many actors do you know stay in character for days at a time!!!!!

We can all argue on here and say yes its good or bad the fact is Hollywood have really made it look like Peter was no good rubbing it away in the past when great films like these need to be saluted, its not just The Pink Panther other films have been killed as Well, lets go back a few years and look at the Michael Caine films that have been killed!!!!

So What I am saying if you want to see The new Pink Panthers then do but take a minute to watch the old ones and you wont be just laughing you will be crying as well they are just the best. Esp least we not forget Katou


I love the movie...too!


Gosh, i was nearly dead laughing in the theater =)). Man, this movie is soooo HILARIOUS.


I like your views about needing some fun movies instead of kill, kill, kill, and sex, sex, sex, and vulgarities instead of content type movies.

I mean, I really like Max Payne, Taken, the new Bond movies and such but sometimes it is just nice to watch a movie where it's just pure entertainment and quite frankly, sophomoric humor.

Nice take. I've not seen Pink Panther 2 but I will today.


One question: Why can't Martin make funny without insult the legacy of past comic geniuses??? (Webb, Tracy, Silvers, Sellers)

Can't he just make a funny movie?

Answer: No.

He isn't funny here (this film s****ks) and he hasn't been funny since 1974.
