Why all the negativity?
I don't get it why all the hate.
Its definitely not an oscar caliber film but neither were the Peter Sellers' ones. In fact none of those was even that good, people liked them because of Sellers not the films themselves. That was proven when Alan Arkin played the character.
How is this movie any worse than any Adam Sandler movie, it just isn't. A movie like this was made so people can escape for an hour or two and just laugh, so I don't get the hostility if you want art rent a film by Truffaut or Fellini.
If you don't think its funny, I get that. Everybody is different and entitled to their opinions but most of the angry people who are on this board haven't seen it! How can you have an opinion on something you haven't seen. That make no sense.
Don't act like Steve Martin ruined the Pink Panther reputation. This franchise sold out long ago with Alan Arkin, Roberto Benigni as Clouseau Jr. and Blake Edward editing old outakes of Peters Sellers who had died almost three years earlier to cash in one more time for The Trail of the Pink Panther. If anything Steve Martin brought some credibility back to this series.
Again, this movie wasn't amazing, but I wasn't expecting it to be. I just wanted to sit down for a two hours and watch some comedy and thats it!