Dr. Baden

I've said it before, and I say it again after tonight's episode. I think she's evil. I think she's not as noble as she tries to pretend. However, she'll likely be killed saving Alfred.



I Hope She Gets Whats Coming To Her...

A Free Spirit Can't Conform To The Religion Of A Caged Bird - Dominic Eugene


Don't believe Baden is EVIL. She is More TERRIFIED of what Michael will do to her family Than she "believes" that Alfred's plan will work--she's torn between trying to protect her family and supporting Alfred. If it was just her life to be concerned about, believe there would be NO hesitation on her part to be 100% behind Alfred's plan.

She did tell Alfred that Michael ordered her to be romantically involved with him. She did assist Alfred in smuggling evidence out of the lab. Two major betrayals of Michael for Alfred's sake without any evidence that Michael is closer to NO longer being a threat to her family's lives.

After the Andre kidnapping and the Michael interrogation where Alfred rescues her, she told Alfred she's "terrified" of Michael.



Well said. You're right...she is a more complex character. Not necessarily all good, but not necessarily all bad. Shows the skill of the writers and show creators in coming up with characters that are not black and white.



Dr. Baden distroyed Jack's play to take down Michael without anyone getting hurt by admitting to Michael there was a cure. For an educated scientist, she isn't very smart. She has to know that once Michael has the cure he is going to kill them. She says she wants to help, but then does something stuipd to counteract what she says. I don't trust her at all. She might want to do the right thing, but her fear has interfered with any logic.


Especially when Alfred told Dr. Baden that if Michael knew he'd kill them because he wouldn't have a use for them. She didn't listen very well.


I'm starting to think this whole thing is Jack's fault.




I'm mad at Jack for letting Alfred get shot by Michael. If anyone should have taken a bullet, it should have been Dr. Baden. I hate that he died. Jack's plan failed as far as protecting Julia's father. I'm disappointed. So very disappointed. Jack really allowed Alfred to take a lot of risks.

Another thing, I would be so mad at Dr. Baden--bringing Julia her dad's ashes. I would have slapped that B------- for getting him killed by opening her big mouth in the first place. What an insult!


WOW - tvhelms! Such a reaction from you! =)

I was actually teasing about Jack, but he did let Alfred down by not protecting him better. I don't know -- what could he do about Michael? He was between a rock and hard place. He got Julia and ALfred released, they just didn't get very far.

I'm not sure being the first Perseus test subject was a smart move either. That could kill him (if this wasn't the world of TV magic).



Someone has to die, for the plot to move along, somewhere you know, one of the good guys has to fall.

