Let's get something straight
I'm not defending this movie against bunch of people with no imagination, but aren't these kind of movies meant for younger audience (or for grown-ups with little imagination left)? Oh, and for all you wondering about Mavis growing (as a vampire), isn't it self-explanatory that in this universe, aside from vampires being faster, stronger, and wield magic, they age slower than humans? It's a fun twist to a story that focuses on a vampire-human relationship (albeit, not that much ). Movie is telling a different perspective of love, and wouldn't throwing Mavis as a teen into the plot with no backstory (when, how?) be more confusing than what director already did? And, please, restrain from overly subjective reviews of this film or hating the script writers for trying something new. And just because the Twilight Saga is remembered longer than this movie, does not mean it was better. (Again, I'm not insulting a franchise, but the characteristics of vampires were "suited" for teenaged girls that want cute, boyish "men")