Plot hole - Spoiler alert.

Why did Mavis believe Johnny when he said he hated monsters? That was a pretty obvious lie considering the fact that he was enjoying his time partying with them all. At the very least she should have argued that point with him.


Yes. I said exactally that in another thread.

That's not a plot hole, it's just bad writing.

They wanted Drac to risk his life on a journey to bring Jonathan back to her. And for that they needed him to leave and take a plane. They couldn't get a better way of making him leave.

And the main character was Drac, it was him that was creating all the trouble and it was him who should risk his life for his dauther. Because of that Mavis had to be apathic and just stay home sad doing nothing.


Because when one breaks with a girl often the reason given is a lie. And that excuse was actually plausible, he could have had a second thought "what I am doing?! Tying with a vampire? Ew!"
