I just saw this film and, originally wanted to post about how this is the only romantic comedy I've ever seen that touched me and that I could relate to (mabe a generational thing); instead, however, I'm posting about what I just saw on the IMDb page for this movie:
"MPAA Rated PG-13 for sexual content, including some frank dialogue, language and smoking."
Rated PG-13 for smoking. The world has gone insane. What's next, 'Rated R for driving without a seat belt' or 'Rated NC-17 for beer drinking?'
As a mother with 2 daughters, I felt like washing Abigal Breslin's mouth out with soap. I know that no words are out of bounds now, but to hear a little girl talk casually about a penis and a vagina is still not necessary. As for the rest of the movie, I thought it was so-so. Smoking was not offensive-- but the dialogue was.
I think the OPs point was that smoking was part of the considerations in giving the PG-13. It seems absurd to me that thats on their short list of reasons to give it PG-13.
Better give 101 Dalmations an R for smoking and implied cruelty to animals
Donald Duck cartoons are R too for constant frontal male nudity except for when he comes out of the shower
Lion King should be PG-13 for pre-marital fornication in public.
Kids are getting asthma cause we shelter them too much, they get sick more often cause everythings so sanitary. Lets relax a bit a let kids live and get dirty and talk about genitals if its an appropriate topic. Parents need to teach their kids (like mine did to me) whats acceptable to say and that you probably dont want to find out what dog turds taste like, but hey its up to you big guy.
Frankie Goes to Hollywood was onto something.
------- ...having things equal on either side is the key to balance...
The girl was talking about penises and vaginas because she's a little kid that just learned about those things and she's curious. What is offensive about that? Are you gonna try to prevent your daughters from learning about sex until they move out of the house or something?
I still don't understand the big deal. Penis and vagina aren't bad words, they're normal body parts. This girl was learning about sex for the first time and was curious. That's what children do when they hear something new, they ask questions. Your children will ask you the same questions someday.
Plus, the one time she did say something a child probably shouldn't-slut-her father reprimanded her.
PG-13 for smoking! OMG really? I remember in Ghostbusters they were contantly smoking and that movie was marketed at children. Shows how everyone these days wants to Cotton Wool their kids. I liked it better before cause shock, horror people actually smoke!
I agree with you. When they were in the lobby and she was promting him to share more information, she started to say "penis" over and over just to get him to do what she wanted. That was her being a brat, and not curious.
jjamison-2: You need to loosen up. How can using the correct, medical/anatomical terms for body parts be considered vulgar, much less offensive enough to warrant child abuse (washing a child's mouth out with soap is abusive, honey...)? I thought the whole exchange was quite funny, mostly because it was a sensitive issue that should not be. Thanks for the laugh.
Maya wasn't doing anything wrong by saying penis and vagina. Both are scientific words.
I sure hope you don't do that with your daughters. Perhaps when you swear next, your husband/boyfriend can wash your mouth out with soap and you'll understand what it feels like.
____ "Your punishment must be more severe." — Bane (TDKR)
"by jjamison-2 » Thu Mar 12 2009 12:18:30 As a mother with 2 daughters, I felt like washing Abigal Breslin's mouth out with soap. I know that no words are out of bounds now, but to hear a little girl talk casually about a penis and a vagina is still not necessary. As for the rest of the movie, I thought it was so-so. Smoking was not offensive-- but the dialogue was."
Holy shiat I'm SO glad you aren't my mother you nasty prude. Clearly you are republican who probably loves censorship.
If it's PG 13 for smoking, then yes.. It doesn't make sense. But it does make sense it's rated PG 13 for the constant mention of Sex, Penis and Vagina .. I'm not saying they should not know anything about sex but there is too much for them. 12 are way too young for that!
Bb-rDw - Ben Barnes Rocks D world!! 4 8 15 16 23 42HP
@ Bb-rDw - 12-year-olds are too young to know about sex? Why so many adults still hold to the Victorian concept of the purity of children is beyond me. I had my first period at age 11. I would have thought I was dying, had I not received informational pamphlets on the menstrual cycle from my doctor and stumbled across the entry for "sex" in my school's library encyclopedia at age 9. Most first world children have other resources they can rely on when their parents fail to provide them with certain information, but it should indeed be the parents' responsibility to discuss such things with their children and even go into detail once the children are nearing or are already undergoing puberty. Even if they know all the "dirty details," no child is going to have a physical interest in sex just because they have the knowledge of it - I found the mere idea of it thoroughly disgusting until I reached my early to mid-teens - which seems to be what most parents are afraid of.
What I find disturbing is that a child can witness a murder or other violent act on-screen with as low as a PG rating, while anything remotely sexual requires at least a PG-13 rating. Call me crazy, but I'd much rather my child be exposed to sex before they ever have to be exposed to any type of violence. Sex is a healthy, natural act (and is actually necessary for the continuation of the human race), and violence is about as low as human behavior can sink.
@ loonygirl47 Sex is natural but at 12.. not that much! Believe me, I know girls who had sex at 12! That's just unbelievable! Knowing something is a must, they can't just not know anything and all they want is experiment and getting to know things when they grow up. But it's really sad seeing young girls that just began growing up trying to see what life is when they are only 12!
Bb-rDw - Ben Barnes Rocks D world!! 4 8 15 16 23 42HP
You DO all realize that PG-13 basically means parental guidance is recommended for children under 13 as some material might be considered inappropriate for that age group.
And yes, kids under 13 should be cautioned about smoking by their parents. Especially considering what we now know about the longterm consequences of smoking.
If you as a parent don't wish to counsel your own young children about the dangers of smoking, that is your prerogative but the rating is there to at least alert you to some of the movie's content.
Not to dismiss or diminish the dangers of smoking at all, but have you not heard of HIV, AIDS, gonorrhea, syphilis, chlamydia, venereal warts, or the multitudes of other sexually transmitted diseases? I could quite successfully argue against your statement that smoking is more dangerous than sex. Sex can easily be more stupid and equally or more damaging than smoking.
The overuse of smoking was unnecessary to the plot and character development. The producers and actors must have been given large payments by the many Big Tobacco lobbyists that lurk all over Hollywood and try to get their hateful nearly-illegal product into as many movies as possible.
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