For the eventual 4K release we need a tighter edit and a better transfer
This film is good, it was just edited WAY too loosely. Lingering close-ups, LONG tracking shots, unnecessary moments....this film is loaded with them and it is one of the few signs that it was directed by someone who didn't have a ton of experience.
There is a repetitive formula of the REALLY slow burn to a moment. I'm not just talking about monster reveals, but almost every moment of significance in the film has a bit of a prolonged preamble to it. This film spins its wheels quite a bit editorially.
I honestly feel that this film could lose 10-15 minutes without actually dropping any full scenes or significant moments. The pacing would be improved dramatically.
That...and the Blu Ray transfer is quite bad. They need to go through again, perhaps give it another pass in color grading, and make sure the transfer is done properly to give the film a stronger visual presentation.
That...and 2-5 minutes of additional Godzilla screentime would make a world of difference.
So yeah...trim off 10-15 minutes of 'fat', give us a solid 2-5 more minutes of Godzilla himself, and give us a better transfer/color palette...and you've got yourself a near masterpiece.