Anyone Else Mad as Hell?
Don't get me wrong here. From the beginning to about the first hour, I was loving this movie. I thought it was creepy, pretty scary, and hellishly depressing. I kept thinking to myself, "Wow, this is a nightmare..." (In a good way) I was really impressed, and it was better than I had anticipated. Then Mandingo started to become more of a main character and completely KILLED any suspense or emotion the film had. It turned into a third-rate gore-film (and trust me, I've seen my share of third-rate gore flicks) very quickly. Not to mention the fact that the gore was far from realistic and not even disgusting, unlike the scene towards the beginning where his son watches the 'surgical exorcism' video. Now THAT was disturbing. But after Mandingo shows up, it all goes to Hell. And Mandingo is obviously trying to provide humor in what had been up to that point a very bleak (and NOT very humorous) film. So his character completely ruined it. I was so mad at the end of the movie, I could hardly speak. I mean, what the Hell? How can you go from doing some really brilliant things (In particular the scene where he sees his birthday presents being sold on the shopping channel) to utter crap? I was extremely disappointed! Anybody else think that if they'd have stuck with the first 2/3rds of their movie, it would have been MILES better?
"Tricks are something a whore does for money... or candy!"