MovieChat Forums > Sublime (2007) Discussion > Absolutely Brilliant

Absolutely Brilliant

Absolutely brilliant movie. The best I've seen in years.easily 10/10 Well acted, lots to think about...brilliant story line. No flaws, wouldn't matter if there was, any movie can have a flaw of 2 if you really want to find them. Would have a hard time finding any here. What can I say...I'm a 48 year old male and am hard to please when it comes to movies much crap out there...

Awesome Awesome Awesome THANK-YOU


I agree. And a whole lot of people out there (most of them) just DON'T GET this movie at all and completely miss the point.



I just can't understand why you would mock people just because they praise the movie to be great when not being involved in the movie production. It's just a personal opinion after all. You seem like you loathe these people just because you don't like the way they like the movie. That's even more pathetic and hopeless.
You think you ACTUALLY have a film culture? Well that's very convincing to hear from a person who cannot even understand the diversity of people's tastes for a movie. Some like curry, some like spaghetti. Get over it. Jeez.



You're, like, still in high school, aren't you? Like totally. You're constant use of the word retarded (looked at some of your other comments) and overall pedestrian grasp of the English language severely undermines your attempts at trying to come across as the film snob you desperately want to be. Pay more attention in school and take some film appreciation courses in college before you run around here trolling the movie boards.


Well said!

I enjoyed the movie, although at times the uncanny resemblance of the lead actor to British PM Tony Blair was a distraction. I kept expecting him to make a political speech!




Like...LOL...I rest my case..."like"


The ending was worth it but ,in general, it was a bad,plotless,bad-directed movie with nice music.
Sooooooo boring.


The story was good.. but the movie was too long for the story to the point where i would get bored.. if the movie was shorter then i would like it more.. but the longetivity of it and the slow progression really made it a drag.


allbymyonesies.....thank-you for entertaining me. Amazing how you can pretend to "know" me.....I never ever criticize my fellow movie goers, I just give an opinion, which by the way is what this forum is about. I won't stoup to your level by replying to your comment or justifying my comments. May I share a bit of wisdom with you. Your young, thats great, best thing to do is keep your eyes and ears open and your mouth shut. I don't mean this in a nasty way, but you can learn much more from life, than any school, be it high school, film appreciation..or what ever can give you. Anyway, thanks again for your comments....good film watching to you, enjoy !!!


Absolutely terrible movie. Makes Uwe Boll's stuff look decent. I am giving this movie a 1 out of 10.


To theouterplanet:


We are the music makers...


I think the worse ending to a movie can be "it was all in a dream", it's so annoying and has been used countless times, totally un-original.

Nothing happened in this movie, just terrible. If you like this "film" you have no soul and don't know real cinema imo.


Where I wouldnt call this movie totally horrible, it does have its merits, it sure wasnt brilliant...sorry.

The story itself was beyond very predictable. It was all too predictable. They would show a little flashback from his party and then reveal his fear or subconcious thought about whatever element. How ironic since the bulk of the movie occurs in his subconcious...that was all to blatantly reavealed...yawn.

It was all too easy to realize he was 'dreaming'. Since dreams are pulled from every day events one has encountered through the day, week, month, year...your entire life...and then sorted out during your sleeping moments, it was all too easy to deduce instead of leaving it a mystery for later reveal. It was literally dream is what he was is why he is thinking about it. Or, real life event, dream about it, reveal fear about event.

The ending was nicely done and satisfactory...but all too predictable once again especially considering how the film starts with he and his wife talking about falling in your dreams.

I do agree with the 1 out of 10...but will give it potentially a 2. There really isnt too much to understand even with out an interest in 'human psychology'.


I agree! It's the best movie I've watched in 2007. IMO, everything is perfect. It's a pity the movie is so underrated.


This film was absolutely amazing. I watched it expecting it to be a cheesy horror flick and ended as one of the best movies i've watched in years. The story and the acting was superb. Those who talk down of this movie does not see the true meaning of the story. There is much more to this film than "horror" everyone expects it to be. The only type of "horror" in this movie was how the story was so dark and eerie. Everything in this movie was spectacular.


A refreshingly different modern horror, within 5 minutes I knew it would not be the usual type of crap churned out these days. And the best acting I've seen in ages.


I agree with it being a great movie.
It would seem that those that gave the movie a bad review
just didn't see the movie the same way i did, (few do, probably more if totally honest)

************possible ender spoilers************

I read one reviewers comments and they so reflected the way i saw the movie, a bit slow of a start, (which is needed for the intense build up to follow, and once the sweet story line started to come out, it was a no blink movie watch from then on out.
the end was just great, though i would say with any movie that relates to a tormented loved one, well it was not so great, but other wise just awesome ending.

i wanna see some of the guesses as to how it happened, hehehe i'm a chicken, i wait and agree with the most brilliant writer. lol.

Dream until your dreams come true;Life's a journey, not a destination*(steven tyler)


one of the better movies i have watched.

actually, this entire 8 movie collection so far and i'm only 7 into the 8, and that is only because the dang thing is still in theaters (abandoned)
have been the best movies i have ever seen.

Finally, directors not afraid to push the envelope, movies that take a chance and just because some of the issues brought up, are not popular comments, or topics.

I rather enjoy being unique, pushing the envelope. Taking a risk to be different.

[b][red]Dream until your dreams come true;Life's a journey, not a destination*(steven tyler)


I thought it was average at best.

I dont see where you could give it a 10.But we all have are likes and dislikes.

One of my favorite movies alot of people cant stand Chronicles of ridick


i'm kind of confused about the there something i was supposed to understand that i didn't? i'd really like to know, thank you


This movie was absolutely astonishing. Very good acting, superb directing, good suspense, but above all a movie about a very real subject, called iatrogenic disease. I think most of the viewers miss that part. I'm very much into nutrition and alternative health care and I have read quite alot about how the health care system works these days. This movie was indeed a horror film, but not in the usual sense of the word. Check out the following article if you wanna know more about the subject:
or watch this free 90-minute film that exposes the pharmaceutical industry and the health care system (you'll be shocked):
The producers of 'Sublime' obviously had an agenda of educating the viewers.
Hope this will make you understand the film better.



How can anyone possibly tell you what you were supposed to understand when you haven't even told us what it is that you didn't understand, or are confused about?


I agree, BigBadBobby. This movie was fresh and distinctly different from some of the mindless crap that's being produced nowadays.

Have you seen the trailer for the remake of the remake of Hairspray? 'Nuff said.
