Actually, it failed at EVERYTHING it was intended to do.
The owners of the Conan brand set out to make a proper adaptation of the original stories. These are in fact grand tales, rich in plot and character development, and even richer in subtext and piloshophy. Sadly the Conan owners partnered up with the film productio company Millennium, and Millennium had other ideas. Instead of a grand epic Conan tale, they wanted a de facto remake of the føkking Milius/Schwarzenegger Conan-in-name-only which Conan proper fans tend to hate.
As an intended proper Conan movie, it failed.
The owners of the Conan brand also intended to for this movie to be the culimination of years of rebranding, and a spearhead to future movies based on other characters by the same author whose library they control. Instead, years of labour and investments on their part was effectively undone.
As an intended spearhead to greatness, it failed.
Production company Millennium wanted a three picture franchise here, and a future Red Sonja franchise to spin off it as well. This was to be their cash cow for years to come. Instead it dealt them a crippling blow.
As an intended future tentpole franchise, it failed.
Distributor LGF were in bad shape, and desperatly needed a hit to turn the tide.
Instead, LGF took a beating and went through a shakeup following Conan losses, and loads of people lost their jobs.
As an intended it saviour, it failed.
So in short, all the stakeholders regret that the movie ever was made in its current form, as it did them all harm and no good what so ever. Based on critical review and audience response, it also failed as a standalone movie.
If you are one of the few that liked it, great for you. You enjoy a movie that many a Conan fan wanted to like, but simply cannot. But don't think it was successful in any way just because it happened to clique with you - it wasn't.
Tesla was robbed!