Watchable, but pitiful compared to Arnold version
If you love this genre, there is enough in the movie to make it watchable I found. The sets and costumes were done pretty well.
I found Rose McGowen as Marique to be the most compelling character, and I kind of hated to see her hand lopped off and then killed. (someone else on here mentioned they did not even realize that it was Rose McGowen...same here!)
Also, the main bad guy did a pretty good job, but that was about it. The guy playing Conan, while he has the size, did not seem to be taking the role seriously at all. He has a perpetual smirk on his face that seemed to say "yeah, I know this is all BS, but I'm getting paid!"
Also, the heroine gal, while attractive, was not really great either. I don't know if it is all their fault as the directing and lame plot lines did not help either.
Arnold's Conan movie has some problems too for sure, but at least he played the part with an intensity that made you believe in him. James Earl Jones brought it too playing the main bad guy as a total religious whacko, and Sandahl Bergman as Valeria helped make it the classic it is.