Barking up the wrong three there, and there isn't really a right one.
You see there are no fans to speak of of the 2011 Conan movie.
For the most part, Conan fans hate it as much as they hate the Milius movie.
By the way, the Milius/Schwarzenegger movie is in no way, shape or form the original Conan. It is simply the first movie adaptation of the original source material which had already existed for half a decade before Milius decided to dumb it down and whitewash it for his 1981 movie. As far as adaptation go, it gets about as much right as Batman & Robin.
To put it this way, the 1982 Conan movie is to the original source material what the 2011 movie is to the 1982 movie: an insult.
The Conan fan in me weeps over Arnold's return.
Sherlock Holmes has seen some great movie adaptations in between the bad ones over the years, ditto James Bond, Batman and Superman, even Judge Dredd got a great movie adaptation this year - yet after three decades and soon to be four movies about Conan, not a single and has even remotely lived up to the promise of the source material. That really sucks.
I'd love to see a REAL Conan movie be made, starring neither Arnold nor Momoa, but someone who looks and acts like Conan, in an adaptation of an actual Conan story. You'd love such a movie too, you just don't know it because you don't know Conan.
Tesla was robbed!