WOOW this movie is SOOO COOOOOL!!
Where to begin..
The main 12 year old protagonist is So strong that he can wield his 2hand sword like it's made of paper while a full grown woman has to tow it !! Plus he can swim with it no problem!
he is SOOO INTENSE that when he bashes the head of an enemy in the SNOW blood splatters all over the place!!
Archers dont just fire a hail or arrows before the warriors charge in battle, they wait for them to be engaged in melee combat and THEN fire, dying in combat is glorious, even if it's from your own men!!
The head of the evil army has à DOUBLE BLADE!! This is the COOLEST weapon I've ever seen, every villain should have one of those!!
Real men dont hide behind metal like puss!£s, plastic armors rule!
Real savages make animal sounds, it doesnt make much sense but who cares as long as they look badass!
When our Big badass hero flees from the villain by sea, he wont try to reach shore like a coward, he sails as slow as possible to make sure his oponent catches up and fights like a man, the enemy Will only send a sloop with 5 or 6 men instead of a fleet anyway!!
This is Amazing! I am flabbergasted by this masterpiece and the producers really deserve credit for the originality and I'm sure they are proud, making money of of the old movie is just a bonus... everybody should buy it, now !