Lang's Khalar Zym Was Brilliant
It was not heavy handed. This was a unique pretty unforgettable character. Not just because of his props like the ship. The sword and his swordplay was incredible - dual blades - one of the first in cinema history!!! The banter with Conan "Who are you" was very understated and effective. An amazing delivery of line and character acting. You see a man who is a man, not yet immortal, but seeks immortality.
Brilliant job Mr Lang! You made this movie what it was, along with Momoa and the others. The ex. close ups and expressions were all very well done. He could have very easily made this a cartoonish character but friends, he did not. He did not have to resort to deadpan acting style of the original baddie in Conan 82, he put life into Zym. Brilliant!!!
Surely Zym's portrayal was one of the most unforgettable villains/antagonists from fantasy genre films ever.
i'm tokyo joe and i know tokyo