Brutal movie...
Possibly the most wince inducing scene where he pokes the guy in his nose-hole and he pisses himself. Oh man...
Desolation of Smaug - REVIEW!
Possibly the most wince inducing scene where he pokes the guy in his nose-hole and he pisses himself. Oh man...
Desolation of Smaug - REVIEW!
Watching it now. Didn't seem bad to me.
shareBarbarians commit barbaric acts. Conan: "Remember me? I'm the one who made you pretty!"
shareHow about when Marique lustfully skewers the virgin with her lengthy steel claws?
sharePossibly the most wince inducing scene where he pokes the guy in his nose-hole and he pisses himself.I have to admit I haven't seen too many scenes before like that one. share