This wasn't THAT bad.

Seriously people, lighten up a bit. Yes, the story sucked, the acting was sub-par, and there is zero reason for any of the mystical creatures to be there. That being said, this is one of the better b-grade action movies out there. The movie is briskly paced, the action wasn't boring by any means, & Ron Perlman is awesome just cause he's Ron freaking Perlman.

Yes I've seen the 1982 version & yes it is obviously better.

However, as long as you're expecting a B-grade action movie, this movie will do its job and keep you entertained for 2 hours.



I think most of the hate is because we shouldn't have had to expect a B movie. With the amount of money and brand tied to this picture, and considering there have been A+ S&S films in the past, we should've been able to expect a good Conan film, helmed by a competent director and screenwriter. Instead, we got cgi garbage from a garbage director and a screenplay that leaned on one leg made up of the cliches of the genre. So the question becomes...when can we safely expect a solid film experience? It seems these days the answer is "almost never". And that's depressing. Hence he rage.


Brilliant analysis buddy. The plot sucked. The acting was weak. The dialog was laughable in a bad way. The CGI looked fake. But other than those small concerns it really was a very good film. Talk about a low threshold for entertainment...


I never once said it was a good film. You are putting words into my mouth. It is a bad film by all means. However, it is one of the more enjoyable bad films out there.



I agree with the title of the thread - this movie wasn't THAT bad. However, my reasons are different. I think the movie developed too quickly from one location to another and the action scenes were the most boring part of the movie (as they often are). Instead of that, I would have liked more of the "mythology" stuff. The visuals were reasonably good. The characters were not that bad either, the dialogue with Conan saying "Come here woman, sit down woman!", was quite smart as a criticism of macho bullsh_t attitude.


It was OK. It was Conan more or less. Enjoy it or not it may be the last.


I actually liked this better than the original, it was much more brutal and gruesome


As a mindless pop corn action movie I guess it's OK (it' on par with the rest of the crap Hollywood as been shoving down our throats for the past 15 years, not better nor worse), the problem is that it's called "Conan the Barbarian" so Conan fans have expectations.

Had they called it "Igor the Berserker" no one would talk about it or remember it.
