MovieChat Forums > The Life Before Her Eyes (2008) Discussion > How did the church know she was gunna na...

How did the church know she was gunna name....

her kid emma? i found it a little odd.




Because she never had a child. She had an abortion. Just like she never got married, or got to be 30-something. She was killed in the bathroom. It's the projection of a life, a kind of trip through hell, and back out, or into the afterlife, just before death? (Read Dante's Inferno, or the Tibetan Book of the Dead!)


Yeah i know that she had an abortion, maureen said that it was for the unborn. How did the church know the name of her unborn baby(they put it on one of the crosses)?? did diana tell the doctors?

and the scene took place the morning of the shooting



there were hundreds of crosses out there. coincidence, brought on by the odds, since Emma isn't the most unusual name. she'd already thought she wanted a baby named Emma some day. she had an abortion. she sees the crosses for the unborn, and one of them says "Emma" on it. It's a major thing for her, so, (SPOILER) in her dying moments, she imagines a whole future life with a child named Emma. does that make sense? this is just what I believed to be happening...


I was puzzled about this too, as the "unborn graveyard" scene was a real flashback, not an imagined flashforward.

My theory is that Maureen had put the name "Emma" on the grave marker, after Diana's abortion. Diana had told Maureen that she'd name her first child "Emma." Maureen was anxious to get Diana out of that graveyard, and looked uncomfortable, perhaps because she didn't want Diana to find out that she (Maureen) had put that name there. Remember that Maureen had deeply religious feelings about abortion even with her love and support of her friend and she was very involved in that church. Maybe a scene was cut out of the film that presented this more explicitly.



They showed a scene where she had alot of blood..I thought she was having a bad pregnancy? To me thats an ok reason to have it removed..a family member just went through something similar a few weeks ago except her baby died.


I think the scene with a lot of (mentioned, but barely seen) blood took place After she had the abortion, when her BF was calling the abortion clinic and asking if that was "normal," etc..

The film makers really pussyfooted around regarding the abortion, hinting at things rather than showing them explicitly - even the abortion clinic, which wasn't obvious on my first viewing - just a nondescript building with a lone woman sitting at a table in front with a sign about "murdering our children" or something. At first I just thought she was some crazy that had nothing to do with the story or that building...

Speaking of Diana's BF -- did he REALLY have a caged Cougar(?) in his apartment?? Or was that just on a HDTV or something? The "cougar" thread throughout the film was kind of mysterious...

EDIT: I just got the DVD and watched the film with the Director's Commentary. He said that was a caged cougar in Marcus' apartment, and mentioned the three (I think) "cougar" references in the film, but didn't say what that signified.. :(

Also, see my next post re the Director's comments about the abortion clinic, etc...




Nah I doubt that she told them,maybe it was just a coincidence that there was a cross for Emma.

"A movie a day keeps the doctor away"


Churches that put those crosses up symbolically "name" the babies who have been killed without being given an name by their mothers. My thought is that it could have been a coincidence, since Emma did become a very popular baby name around that time, and there were hundreds of markers, but also Maureen might have been the one who put "Emma" in the marker, not to hurt Diana, but just because the loss of this baby was a fresh reality in her mind. If this were the case, she would have done this marker, along many other ones as part of the project, and had not expected Diana to wander in and examine them.


I could be wrong but I kind of got the impression that she had a miscarriage, not at abortion. Maybe I missed something? Can anyone confirm or deny with facts?

Edit - NM I watched it again; I didn't realize the doctor's office she was in was an abortion clinic. I paid more attention and that makes sense.


I just got the DVD and played the film with the commentary from director Vadim Perelman (and a female involved in the production). The scene where Diana was in bed, bleeding in Marcus' apartment, definitely took place after she had had an abortion, and that was an abortion clinic where she went for treatment. Perelman said they didn't even have to build a set or alter a building to depict the abortion clinic - they had found an actual abortion clinic with a real lone protester sitting in front with a protest sign.

As to why the name "Emma" was on a grave marker for the unborn at that church, Perelman said the name was only a coincidence. But I like my theory better - that Maureen had put the name there. Does the director always know every exact Detail of the storyline?


That was my impression too, that Maureen had put it there. I've just viewed it once but I'm sure the two girls had also fallen out with each other and just made up after being estranged for a few weeks? Maureen was annoyed at Diana about being promiscuous? Maybe the church members were asked to mark a cross regarding someone they knew who'd lost a child. (The unborn doesn't have to relate to abortion but miscarriage too)


Anyone notice teh "Choose Life" sticker on the car when she was practicing driving with her friend?


This may have already been said but I don't think that the church knew what she was going to name her daughter, they were just possible names for the children who had been aborted.


yeah, I thought Maureen had something to do with it personally. She was super religious and what not...


"coincidence". since she wanted to name her kid as emma and had abortion, only that grave took her interest, not the other ones. and she thought about her unborn baby. it wasn't her baby in the grave. if she thought she could name her baby as lucy, then she would pick a grave titled lucy. "selective perception".


The title of the movie sums it up. She gets shot and her life flashes before her eyes. Not the life she had, but the life she could have had if she let her friend get shot instead of her, a life of post traumatic stress disorder.


maureen did not put the name on the cross. that would be a messed up thing to do to your friend. she was better than that. it was none of her business and she just never would have done that, sorry.

that part was kind of weird with the voices and hearing each other, hearing her mom call her was just kind of melding the fake future with the real past moments.
