Great movie but a couple scenarios did not sit well with me and seemed unrealistic. Of course it was neccessary in order for the plot to progress but I had a difficult time suspending reality in these situations. Example 1: When Fred came over with the first guy. Was Fred really that afraid of Peter and Paul that he couldn't clue them in on what was going on. You have a 2 vs 1 advantage- I would take my chances with Ann and George rescuing me. Paul had no weapon on him and was at a disadvantage. Also, what happened to Fred?
Also when the friends of Ann and George came over. Why didn't she cry for help. There were three people in the boat and she could have tipped them off and told them about the situation. None of those boys had weapons there was no reason for any of this to have happened.
Suspending reality is a normal part of watching a movie, but you suspend reality in certain contexts. When I watch Star Wars, I expect light sabers and spaceships. When I see the scene you mentioned with the neighbors pulling up in the sailboat and she says nothing, that's a bit hard to believe.
When the boy escaped he could have easily disappeared into the night. He had a huge head start, and yet Peter seemed to know the exact direction the kid went in. When the boy ran into the empty house, the same voice that screams "don't open that door" in a horror movie, was screaming "don't go in the house." But yet he did.
I've seen both movies, and in both of them, the couples behaved as though they were absolutely powerless. When provided with ample opportunities to turn on their attackers, they either didn't, or they failed bad enough to suggest gross incompetence in life in general.
I didn't view the remote control part as a suspension of reality. I saw it as the director saying *beep* you to the viewer.
I was thinking the exact samething at the boat scene, 4 people against one guy with a golf club. I hate this movie so much, because it's so hard to connect with any of the characters with all the implausible things going on. And then at the remote control scene the director just decided to spit on our faces. I'm so glad they didn't make any money from this piece of garbage.
I really like this movie, but it irked me no end that she didn't try to do something when her friends arrived. She could have pushed the one guy into the water or, if she had failed, those on the boat would obviously have realised that something was wrong and helped her restrain the guy. Then they could have gone back to the house together. I mean the psychos didn't have a gun yet, so really...
Purgatory...You weren't really sh_t, but you weren't all that great either. Like Tottenham.
Well, the other guy didn't have a gun at that stage. I think they (or some of them) could have gotten back to the house on time, before he killed them.
If I'm not me, then who the hell am I? - Total Recall (2012)
I too thought to myself, why didn't she attack him at the dock? She had an advantage. But then I thought, what if I pulled up and saw that scenario unfold? I would first think that she had gone mad. By the time I realized what had happened, He could have pushed her into the water, then it's a simple matter of 2 women and 1 man, that probably were not much of fighters. Plus, the go to excuse is, if she didn't come back in with him, the other guy would have killed her son and husband.
I work in a psychiatric facility for the criminally insane. When I started their I was surprised how often people didn't fight back when I read their files. It's almost as if people are in denial of the gravity of their situation.
"My name is Ozymandias, king of kings: Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"
I just watched this US version all the way through for the first time and I agree the remote control scene does seem surreal and idiotic, but isn't that what we would do with a scene that we can't believe just happened in a movie. We would rewind.
Haneke's hatred of the glory of violence makes him show that it's fast, unforgiving, and done by bad people. In real life she would not get that gun, not a chance. So the bad guy rewinds and makes it real. Silly but hey it's his movie.
I still think the whole film is haunting and I liked the original because it is even more alienating. But ultimately my problem here is that we are not stupid enough to think violence is good because it looks balletic in a Tarantino movie. I hate violence and I'm not sure the sickening reality of how it is shown in this film could make me hate it any more than I do.
"Example 1: When Fred came over with the first guy. Was Fred really that afraid of Peter and Paul that he couldn't clue them in on what was going on. You have a 2 vs 1 advantage- I would take my chances with Ann and George rescuing me. Paul had no weapon on him and was at a disadvantage. Also, what happened to Fred? " Yes he was that afraid, they were doing to that couple what they do to Anna and George later. He kept quiet to keep his wife from being hurt, I guess you can take his actions as a sign that he loves his wife. He had no reason to fear for Anna & George's well being. I don't think either couple really believed they would die. If you notice the reaction of Anna when she hears Paul start their "dead before 9am" bet. These are rich people who probably never thought something like this could happen, they are expecting it to end with them being robbed. Easy to give criticism outside that situation, when you know whats going on, full wary of the threat. Fear makes people stupid. Paul was also a young strong completely nuts guy. He's capable of doing serious harm to them, there's no hesitation to what he does. I'm not sure an unaware George and an old man Fred could of easily taken him down. Remember they are the rich elite. Fred may of attacked immediately, but George wouldn't want to get involved like that to a threat he can't perceive(see how he reacts to Anna asking P&P to leave). Fred and his wife are dead, their game was finished. P&P(Paul and Peter) found new people to play with. Of course the real head trip, did the two kill the girl George Jnr talks about? Which explains why she wasn't around(no other reason to have her mentioned otherwise).
"Also when the friends of Ann and George came over. Why didn't she cry for help. There were three people in the boat and she could have tipped them off and told them about the situation. None of those boys had weapons there was no reason for any of this to have happened. " No weapon? You decided to overlook the golf club that killed a dog and severely damaged George's leg? Sure it's not a gun, but nearly anything is a weapon if used with violence. Paul warned her, and his friend had her family hostage. Also again, at that point they had no reason to expect murder. Killing a dog just established they were serious. P&P have it so easy because their prey lack any idea that they are planning to murder them from the start of their "games". George expects they just will rob them and leave. As he voices during when they try and establish another game. Unfortunately Anna didn't realise these two were repeating the game already, and Fred and wife(forgot name) are dead and soon then them too. And P&P would move on to the new people she introduces to Paul. The audience appreciates it, but how could she? It would be unbelievable for her to react any other way. She did just find her dog dead, you think she's gonna risk seeing her son or husband like that?
Also why someone would doubt the boy running to that house? He ran to the neighbour Fred's house to seek help, he knew Fred and that girl(he wonders where she) also lives there(two logical reasons the young boy would head there). But only P&P knew they were already dead, the family still thought they were alive. Paul knew the house better and a panicked child isn't really the best choice to escape and hide(especially after Paul plays that screaming song). This is all apart from the fact the hole in the fence is the easiest way out of their property(Peter used that hole and told Anna so). Didn't take much guess work to know where he would go, scaling the gate or fence wouldn't seem like good idea for the boy, comparatively speaking..
People rip on the Remote Control scene incessantly. Personally I thought it was brilliant. Paul has laid out "rules" for all their "games" that must be followed to the letter by the "players" throughout the entire film. However, when Ann uses quick judgment for the FIRST time during their hostage situation to gain the upper hand, Paul breaks his own rules to go back & changes the outcome. It illustrates not only that these two cheat at their own games, but that they are fully in control of everything that happens on the screen.
Think about it this way: You are playing a video game & you get stuck on a level that you just cannot complete. How often do you hit the reset button or re-load the last checkpoint?
“We all pay for life with death, so everything in between should be free.”
As has been said, it's clear that if Peter/Tubby sees Fred return without Paul he'd kill the wife and kid. The same thing if Ann returns from the dock without Paul, or at least that's what is going through their minds. It's not a question of them being not being brave enough to attack Paul when he's with them on his own. They think they're going to get out of it in the end like most torture/horror movies, but this isn't your typical serial killer movie. The movie is almost screaming at you that you shouldn't get off on watching torture porn movies.
I agree with you. It was irritating to me right away because of the very strange vibes coming from Fred and his wife when they were conversing with Ann from her car. A sensitive person would have been alerted immediately and been suspicious. Then...what really became obvious was the strange look on Fred's face when he came over with Paul...why didn't Ann and George notice the strained look in Fred's eyes and his obvious discomfort? I would have run for my life at that point! Obviously, the plot of a movie has to move forward, but these sorts of insensitivities make me dislike horror films, though this is an unusually well-done film. Acting is outstanding, especially by Naomi Watts and Tim Roth. Hard to imagine how difficult it must have been to act in such a film, though.