Such a sick, disgusting, and deplorable movie!!
WTF? Why make a movie like this? Only masochists would enjoy this tripe.
Now i've heard some rather misguided members comment that its somehow the "classic" slasher/terror formula that we've always enjoyed. Specifically citing Friday the 13th and similar movies where we may find ourselves rooting for the bad guy and looking forward to the next inventive kill.
No sir. Oh hell no! In those movies its never played up serious, not really. Its not meant to be either. The "victims" are usually portrayed as annoying, mean or spoiled jackasses that we want to see get theirs also. And the villain usually has some redeemable qualities that keep us from completely hating them, like being scarey in a cool way.
This movie however, is like the PERVERSE parody of that type of flick played up to the extreme!! Especially the way they talk to the camera, so as to mock us("this is what you wanted to see, right?"). Here the victims are innocent, likeable, and we're showed their pain in excruciating detail.
Then there's the villains who are irredeemable cruel, monotone beasts, with no appealing qualities whatsoever. They're tailor-made to be utterly reprehensible. They're just monsters.
The victims have little hope of escaping. We're just meant to watch them suffer in agony.
Just a horrible, sick, demented movie.