MovieChat Forums > Funny Games (2008) Discussion > Such a sick, disgusting, and deplorable ...

Such a sick, disgusting, and deplorable movie!!

WTF? Why make a movie like this? Only masochists would enjoy this tripe.

Now i've heard some rather misguided members comment that its somehow the "classic" slasher/terror formula that we've always enjoyed. Specifically citing Friday the 13th and similar movies where we may find ourselves rooting for the bad guy and looking forward to the next inventive kill.

No sir. Oh hell no! In those movies its never played up serious, not really. Its not meant to be either. The "victims" are usually portrayed as annoying, mean or spoiled jackasses that we want to see get theirs also. And the villain usually has some redeemable qualities that keep us from completely hating them, like being scarey in a cool way.

This movie however, is like the PERVERSE parody of that type of flick played up to the extreme!! Especially the way they talk to the camera, so as to mock us("this is what you wanted to see, right?"). Here the victims are innocent, likeable, and we're showed their pain in excruciating detail.

Then there's the villains who are irredeemable cruel, monotone beasts, with no appealing qualities whatsoever. They're tailor-made to be utterly reprehensible. They're just monsters.

The victims have little hope of escaping. We're just meant to watch them suffer in agony.

Just a horrible, sick, demented movie.


The op is right this movie was great.

They are trying to create dysentery in the ranks


Congratulations. You reacted exactly the way you were supposed to. This movie is supposed to be repulsive and disturbing.


Exactly what I was thinking. Apparently the movie worked very well since OP reacted in the way you're supposed to. Why would someone make a film like this to make you feel good? Of course you're supposed to be disgusted.

Aristotle versus Mashy Spike Plate!


It's hilarious how betrayed people like the OP sound because they didn't "enjoy" the film like they do other horror movies in which there's typical gore, disposable victims and the usual genre cliches. Duh: That is exactly this movie's point, to take all the pleasure out of movie violence and rub your face in how unpleasant it can, maybe should be when it's not presented as simple escapism. While it SEEMS like "Funny Games" (in both versions) is extremely violent, a careful viewer will note that you never actually see any blood or violence--it's all (just) offscreen. So you don't even get the usual release of "gotcha" moments, just constantly escalating tension, claustrophobia and hopelessness. Yup, it's supposed to be bleak. It's definitely a measure of Haneke's success that he can enrage people who would think nothing of sitting through all the graphic sadism of a 'Saw" or "Hostel"-type movie, in which violence is as meaningless as it is plentiful. But they're furious when a movie about brutality actually makes them uncomfortable.


this movie is not about having enjoy,the movie's aim is not giving enjoy to viewers ,the movie want you to be desturbed,stressed out,feel uncomfortable because you wanted to watch people to get hurt to spend your time and to have an enjoy.

actually Paul and Peter aren't playing with the family,Michael Haneke is playing with you

i think this movie is one of the greatest movie of cinema history with Haneke's other project ,The Piano Teacher


How old r u ?


Why make a movie like this?

Because of 2007 Naomi Watts, ofc. <3


Maybe youre missing the point, maybe it's supposed to inject a little reality into your beloved horror genre. Like the way Itchy & Scratchy parodies Tom & Jerry, or like Call of Duty players who would *beep* themselves if they actually had to shoot someone in real life, maybe a little dose of the reality of horror makes 'horror' fans run for the hills ...


Yeah, I always thought the point of this movie was to make you feel bad for wanting to see it, which, if I'm right, is executed perfectly.


Personally I think that this movie was quite brilliant. Your reaction to it simply proves the movie's point. You admit that you WANT the characters in the horror movies to get killed, because you want them to "get theirs" AND you admit that you find yourself rooting for the bad guy because of his "redeemable qualities." Redeemable? Really? You still find him redeemable when he's tearing a young innocent girl limb from limb with no proper motive? That is EXACTLY what the director is trying to prove about American horror movie culture. We convince ourselves that the bad guy is really just misunderstood and his victims are a-holes anyways. So I can sit back and enjoy the torture! But with this film, he's putting it right back in your face. He's showing you a movie where the bad guys end up being the main characters. They are the most charismatic ones in the whole film. I watched it with my friends and found them laughing at these guys when they kept making their stupid jokes. He makes sure that the bad guys are in control of, literally, EVERYTHING. Right down to the course of events of reality. There is no way that anything good will ever happen to this family. They are there to get killed and the bad guys will win no matter what. And yet deep down, they know we want it that way. We wanted it to happen didn't we? I mean the mom is kind of an a-hole right? That dog keeps barking nonstop anyways yeah? That kid was kind of annoying right? But the bad guys? Well they're hilarious and attractive white-collar psychopaths! And they clearly are getting a kick out of all this! Why not go along with their games in the end!

I agree, it's really messed up. Watching an innocent family get killed with no retribution and no hope for survival is absolutely brutal. But that's the point. It really makes you think. Why do we enjoy this kind of film? We do we enjoy watching this senseless torture on screen? What's the point? It's tough but I think you need to take a look back at your original comment and see what I'm saying.


