MovieChat Forums > Funny Games (2008) Discussion > Best home invasion defenses?

Best home invasion defenses?

So, a gun hidden in every room of the house seems a bit impractical and potentially dangerous.

And one gun, kept unloaded in a gun safe, isn't going to do you much good in this kind of situation - early on, I doubt any of them would have used that gun, and by the time they realized they needed to use it, it was too late.

Obviously, get a freaking land line - although I'm sure the purpose of the first "egg" visit was to find out where the landline was and kill it.

Keeping a backup cell phone at the vacation house & a backup battery seems sensible.

And having a less risk-averse attitude would seem helpful. When she was looking for the dog, she could have jumped in the car, locked the doors, and had just enough time to call 911.

What else?

How much does a taser cost? If you're not flying, could you keep it in the main piece of luggage so it's handy & ready? Does a taser need to be charged, or is it just grab & go?


Why? It's their holiday home, they visit it if not regularly well enough to know the neighbours by name. A spare charger would be sensible but why would keep a spare mobile there which you would be paying for even though you only use it a couple of times a year when you have the phone you use regularly with you when you go. As for the landline again it would seem sensible, like having an actual roof over your head, or a toilet with a flush and a lid but that's why i don't do camping. Even if they had one as you said it's fairly easy to render a landline unusable. I am however going to attack anyone who comes to my door in tennis whites with a golf club. Just in case Michael Haneke is in the area.


"I am however going to attack anyone who comes to my door in tennis whites with a golf club".

After seeing this fiasco, so am I. But I'm afraid Roth/Watts hadn't seen the the 1997 original film...

"facts are stupid things" Ronald Reagan


The issue is not what is a perfect prevention, but what increases your chances of survival. What type of firearm(s) should be variable based on distance/walls with neighbors and familiarity. If you are not in an urban area and are a veteran an AR-15 would be an excellent choice, but also could be worst choice for some people.
How many and how they are secured depends a lot on if you have your own kids or visiting kids.

Police arrive in time to interdict under 3% of violent crime. gun owners interdict about 18% of criminal attempts on people in their homes, or six times better than no gun. So it only helps a minority of the time -- but a heck of lot better than no gun.
The studies that claim gun owners are in more danger don't control for the 90% of victims who are themselves criminals. So if you are selling crack, a gang member, etc owing a gun puts you in more danger. If you are law abiding citizen owning a gun make your family safer. !00% of the time? no. Better than no gun? yes way better.


murad23 I always have at least one gun nearby, sometimes as many as 2 or 3. My weapon of choice is a 1911 in .45 ACP caliber. I also take one of my shotguns out the the safe at night. I have a few guns but a 12 gauge semi auto Saiga with loaded with double ought buck in a 12 round drum magazine. I am also fond of my Remington 870.

I have also been concerned about the noise .45 disorientating me so I just purchased a silencer yesterday, now all I need to do is wait a couple months for my tax stamps.
I want to win the Nobel Peace Prize so bad that I would kill to get it


If you live in America, your best defense is a concealed carry license. Keep it on your hip at ALL times in a inside the waistband holster.

If I was that dad, as soon as I hit the floor after being nailed with the golf club, out would come the 9mm and the movie would have ended real quick. They never checked any of the family for a weapon.

The mom should have had one too.

No need to stash guns in every room. Get a little pistol and keep it on your person. After a couple weeks of wearing one, in the right holster, it becomes just another accessory like your wallet or cell phone.

Since it's legal, it's actually pretty silly NOT to have one in my point of view. I pray I'll never need mine, but I'll sure as hell be glad I have it if the need arises.

I won't be a victim if I can help it. And the law gives me a very effective way of preventing harm to me, my family, my friends.

Thousands of home invasions/murders/rapes are stopped every year by people with a CCW. It doesn't make the headlines because it doesn't fit the media's agenda to demonize guns, but the stories are out there if you look.

Just imagine how many more lives would be saved every year if the majority of people took advantage of our right to conceal carry. So many less senseless home invasion victims would be a great thing, but people just live their lives defenseless just hoping it doesn't happen to them.

Take control over your fate...

I watch movies like this, and you NEVER see a character who carries. But you can imagine how easily it would be for a character to prevent all the horrible crap in a movie if only they had a CCW....


Are you seriously suggesting that everyone goes around armed at all times?!

An average of 2 children die in the united states each week from accidental gun violence.

Those who have access to a gun are 3 times as likely to commit suicide.

Those with access to a gun are twice as likely to die from gun violence.

Over 2/3 of homicides are due to guns.

A gun is 22 times more likely to injure its owner or an innocent person than to stop an intruder.

Around 31,000 people die from gun violence each year in the united states.

We don't need more guns in this country.

Witty closing remarks have been replaced by massive head trauma and severe hemorrhaging.


I have owned guns for almost 60 years, I have been carrying a handgun 24/7 for almost 46 years. I worked as a police officer and have seen the terrible things that have happened to good honest people when they were attacked and could not defend themselves.

About 10 years ago I had a place in NY and a place in TX. I had a gun safe in both places where I stored my guns. I had flow back to NY without a gun because flying with a gun is difficult.

When the taxi dropped me off at my house I went in and discovered someone broken into my house was living in my house. Fortunately I was able to get to my gun safe and hold him at gun point till the police arrived.

If I did not have a gun I probably be dead, The guy that broke in was younger and stronger than me, he was in his early 20s and I was in my 60 and was not in any condition to get into a fight because I was in bad physical shape from all the abuse and injuries my body got the 20 years of being a cop.

The guy that broke into my house had a long rap sheet with a history of attacking cops and home owners. All he had to do is grab a knife from my kitchen and I would have been dead without a gun to protect myself.

By the way I would like to see a source to back up your allegations. I have seen similar numbers throw around before but no one was able to back up their statements with proof and a source of those statistics

I want to win the Nobel Peace Prize so bad that I would kill to get it


I am still waiting for someone to site a source for the statics sited below. I doubt I will ever see the source because they are made up and phony.


An average of 2 children die in the united states each week from accidental gun violence.

Those who have access to a gun are 3 times as likely to commit suicide.

Those with access to a gun are twice as likely to die from gun violence.

Over 2/3 of homicides are due to guns.

A gun is 22 times more likely to injure its owner or an innocent person than to stop an intruder.

Around 31,000 people die from gun violence each year in the united states.

I want to win the Nobel Peace Prize so bad that I would kill to get it


I am still waiting for someone to site a source for the statics sited below. I doubt I will ever see the source because they are made up and phony.

"An average of 2 children die in the united states each week from accidental gun violence."
Are you kidding me, cop or no cop. I guess you rarely read newspapers or watch the TV news reports?

Please don't use your experiences as a cop to defend the gun violence in the US. When Australia changed their gun laws, the random deaths went down. You can GOOGL E this info. Why ask anyone to prove anything to you....RESEARCH and learn.

Over the last few weeks/months there have been many news reports over about accidental deaths due to guns: we've read about a man 'accidentally' killing his young son while 'practicing" at a gun range. He took his sons there to teach them "how to be men". As if shooting a gun proves you are a man?! 

Read the endless daily and weekly articles in the NY Daily News and the NY Times covering the senseless deaths due to parents and relatives who own guns and are completely irresponsible gun owners. Guns ARE being sold to very stupid people. There should be no argument about that fact.

Just because a person is allowed to buy a does not mean they should.

A young woman, was shot in the back of her head while driving, she was one of those 'gun advocate' types who loved yapping about guns on Facebook. Her toddler picked up her gun, which just so happened to be loose in her car, then shot her in the head. Isn't that lovely?

We constantly read about gun owners who do not secure their weapons...then someone dies due to their negligence, you act as if these situations are not being reported. Reading all these reports surely points to a large portion of idiots who own guns.

We surely have skewed priorities in the US as to what constitutes being an adult an/or a man. We need licenses for everything else....we should require an aptitude test as well as a license to become a parent. That would sure weed out morons from procreating!

No, sir...we need less guns, not more. A citizen who is not in the military or a police officer/detective has absolutely no business owning an assault rifle. Hunters sure don't need them, there wouldn't be much of the deer left to eat or even use the pelt...hunters have stated this fact.


I will give you a more detailed response when I have the time. In the meantime watch this video

By the way the 2nd amendment has nothing to do with hunting

I want to win the Nobel Peace Prize so bad that I would kill to get it


Things got worst in England when they banned guns


And the Supreme Court has held over and over that the Second Amendment protects our right to own firearms.

If you want to deal with guns, you have to amend the Constitution. When considering that, allow me to point to the effectiveness of Prohibition.

Suicide is best dealt with through mental health reform.

The "those with access to a gun" statistic is polluted with the causation problem - those with access to a gun are likely to own one *because* they are more likely to be affected by violence.

9500 firearm homicides per year in the US, and around 2/3 of those are drug trade related.

For comparison, there are 35,000 highway fatalities per year, and 40,000 deaths from accidental poisoning (which includes drug errors and overdoses).

Investments that would go a long way towards reducing firearm homicides without having to tackle the Constitution:

- Mental health reform
- Drug reform
- Attacking the gun culture on TV and in movies
- Addressing bullying and social marginalization
- Addressing poverty and wealth disparity

Philo's Law: To learn from your mistakes, you have to realize you're making mistakes.


Ask Macauley culkin


Thank you!! I was baffled that none of the other comments mentioned this.

Like, hey, OP, watch "Home Alone" and get your head out of your ass. Pfft.

(But seriously, boobytraps or a gun would be my suggestion.)

(Disclaimer: Please don't actually utilize any of the boobytraps portrayed in "Home Alone", because many of them would actually kill a person.)
