The dad is USELESS!

What are you doing man? You broke your leg. From one swing of a club? Eh. Ok, fine. I'll buy it. Yes, you legit broke your leg. Find the will power to at least fight back somehow, at any point, the entire movie! Don't just sulk and let your family get killed and tortured 3 feet away!


Had you paid better attention, you'd have noticed he 'did' try to "fight back" at one point - with predictably (considering he couldn't even stand up) less than impressive results. After that he was tied up.

"facts are stupid things" Ronald Reagan


I kept thinking "your Tim Roth FFS, do something"


I totally agree , he was such a wimp even before the leg breaking ! he could have thrown them out of the house in the first place instead of telling his wife she was being rude .


Yeah, to me, that was either not believable or he was just a really shitty partner lol
(I say that because some people are that inconsiderate, in which case she needs to find someone better.)


Have you seen the original? it's even more frustrating. Tim Roth was the wrong actor for this part.
