MovieChat Forums > Easy Virtue (2009) Discussion > So what happens to the fox in this film?

So what happens to the fox in this film?

Being a person who strongly opposes and is disgusted by bloodsports, I was just wondering what happens to the fox that they chase during the foxhunt in this film.

It would just seem extremely macabre that the director would attempt to glorify such a disgusting 'sport' in a 'romantic comedy'.


I don't think you'll enjoy the movie. There is a rather lengthy scene played for laughs involving another animal.


I think I know what you're refering to. I'd still like to know what happens with the fox, though.


Larita, a pioneer conscientious objector, disrupts the hunt so that the fox can escape, much to the chagrin of her mother in law. Cheers!


Thank you very much for sharing this with me.


But I, being privvy to the subplot, found out that the fox, after running a few miles, ends up in a snare. is brutally hacked by a poacher with a meat cleaver, is skinned and its fur ends up as a davy crockett hat for some over priviliged rich kid. ahh well.


Oh, THAT fox. I thought you meant Colin Firth. He ends up rather better than he began the film.

He is a miracle . . . really.


While nothing happens to the fox....SPOILER BELOW:

Another animal isn't quite as lucky.


Oh, RainyCloudz, some of us think that is the funniest scene in the film. It isn't as if anything really happened to the real animal.



hobbit_man097 It would just seem extremely macabre that the director would attempt to glorify such a disgusting 'sport' in a 'romantic comedy'.

You must not have seen the film if you think it glorifies fox hunting. Quite the opposite, it shows what vacuous people, clinging to the past & social class, the hunters are. The character that represents the future, Larita, saves the fox that the audience was rooting for by then.
