Question about the fashion aspect
So, I'm a male viewer of the show. I mostly watch it for the comedy, satire and social commentary, everything else is meh. I'm as unfashionable as it gets, I mostly just buy whatever fits and every day I throw on whatever is within easy reach, and most days I don't even wear matching socks unless it just happens coincidentally. So believe me when I say I have zero understanding of what is supposed to be fashionable or not.
The show obviously features a lot of fashion elements, like what works, what doesn't work, what goes with what, accessories, etc. What I'm wondering is; Does any of it actually make sense from a "fashion" point of view, or is it just made up? I guess a comparison I would make is with Star Trek and all the made-up science that it comes out with in every episode. I'm wondering if the fashion stuff in Ugly Betty is as random and made-up as science in sci-fiction, or is it actually "real" ?