MovieChat Forums > Ugly Betty (2006) Discussion > Fat is not the same as being ugly...

Fat is not the same as being ugly...

I know its subjective, but to me ugly pretty much has to do with the facial features/personality of a person. Fat is independent of being ugly- and it largely depends on how fat you are, where you carry it, etc. You can have a fit body, but still have an ugly face.


I agree with you completely. However Betty technically wasn't fat, she was average sized. It was only in the fashion world where she was considered fat.

Betty wasn't ugly either (especially if you look at how they dressed some of the woman in the other versions of the show who play Betty) however she dressed terribly and she had adult braces, with bushy eye brows and unattractive glasses. Plus she worked in fashion.

Barbara Stanwyck and I used to ride the trolley! ~Andrea Zuckerman


Betty is average sized by normal standards but definitely not by the fashion industry. I think that the "ugly" refers more to the braces, glasses and general lack of fashionable clothing that the character wears. She goes to work for a major fashion magazine and to the others that work there she is ugly hence the name "ugly betty."

TROLL! IN THE DUNGEONS. Thought you ought to know. -Professor Quirrell


Couldn't they have called it "Awkward Betty"? I think that would have been a better title and more accurate. Ugly is an ugly word...


great idea.


Because it was a word play on "Ugly Duckling."


Betty wasn't fat. I think that was the point. She was fairly average sized, which to the fashion industry "skinnies" she was overweight.

If bones are not protruding from you, they'll say you're fat.

The whole thing of "Ugly" is the fact that she wasn't "perfect" so to the fashion industry, anything not up to their standards is ugly. Even if it technically isn't. They have impossibly high standards.

Babies kill TV shows!


Fat? She is short, but hardly overweight at all. Also, her features are lovely, but that hair... I wanted to give her a trim and remove these horrible bangs so badly. The only thing really ugly on Betty was that bushy and unkempt hair. Funny, because her sister was a hair-dresser.


Fat women are usually ugly. Ugly Betty is fat.


I still don't understand why they'd call her ugly. America Farreira isn't actually ugly, though her character's wardrobe might leave something to be desired. You want someone to be Ugly Betty, they should have called in Mimi from "The Drew Carrey Show."


I thought it was how she saw herself.
