
Of all of us wishes something like this happened to us so we can justify doing the things we truly want to do.

I think at least a few people will understand what I mean

I know least 1% of me would love to kill scum like them on a rampage but I can't justify it and my life as it is I have too much to lose


I know what you mean, and this is one my favorite movies.


Ya. Goodtimes.


Are you seriously saying that 1% av all people (That's one out of 100) would LIKE to have their SON KILLED only so that they themselves can go on a killing spree?

If so, you need so seek professional help.


Nah, I think he was saying that to be wronged somehow would give you the get-up-and-go to become a vigilante. I live in Europe where capital punishment is a thing of the past, but there are still people out there that would not be missed, those that wreak hell upon others at every turn. Why we keep people like the Yorkshire Ripper or the Moors Murderers alive is beyond me, we pay taxes to keep pure evil alive and well.

A few months back a teenager here in the UK was jailed for just 4 years for punching a 76 year old man so hard that he hit his head on the ground and died. He had about 23 previous offences on record. The primary reason he got such a low sentence was that his victim was in the end stage of his life and thus would not have "missed much". As if that made it ok.

Needless to say that when he gets out he will still be a detriment to society, he will be maybe 21 or 22 and he will have learned a few more 'tricks' in jail. I personally would hang him from a lamppost like the scum he is.

I don't do anything about it because it's just a news story, like any other, but my own father is 73 and I see him become frailer and frailer every day and if he were to die as the result of a "teen just being a teen" I would like to think that I would hunt the little *beep* down, tie them to chairs in some abandoned barn and then introduce them to several of the power tools that my dad taught me to use when I watched him perform DIY.

BTW I'm not just saying this because it's IMDB and on the 'intarweb' like hard motherfunkers so often do, I genuinely would consider throwing my own life away if it took a decent-sized group of scum off my streets for harming someone dear to me.

Opinions are just onions with pi in them.
