How the F@%k is 3:10 to Yuma rated higher??
Honestly? I'm ashamed to be a member of this site.
shareHonestly? I'm ashamed to be a member of this site.
sharei loved this movie dont get me wrong, and personal opinion i think i would probably watch this movie more than 310, but the thing is, is that 310 was easier for non western fans to enjoy but had everything western fans wanted too. 310 had a lot of action and two huge stars and oscar buzzed director. the story itself was great and revealed alot about the characters each scene, and the drama between the boy and father had people on the edge of their seat. i love westerns and i love appaloosa and 310, but everytime i try to watch a western with girlfriends or even my mother (who my dad tries to get her to watch westerns all the time) and even friends that dont like westerns seem to find something within 310 they gravitate towards.
shareWell, this site is not a very good place to find out anything about a film except that some anonymous amateurs like or dislike it, for good or bad or no reasons, and some of them like talking about whatever movie is being rated. A lot of the raters seem to be very young and unsophisticated about film, from the nature of their comments.
A more reliable indicator of a movie's quality is to read a few reviews, at one of the review collection sites (or the "external reviews" section of each board on this site). But you sometimes have to read between the lines to see if the movie the reviewers talk about is likely to resemble the movie you see. In the end, there is no substitute for seeing the movie yourself. And remembering that a lot of mediocre or even really bad movies can be fun to watch, while some of the most highly praised just aren't to everybody's taste, and may not be to yours.
A more reliable indicator of a movie's quality is to read a few reviews
My point is that reviewers, who see lots of films, often have more interesting and better informed opinions about them than the average (if there is such a thing) anonymous contributor to a chat board.
Not always, mind you. My opinions, for example, are excellent, and I'm just one of those anonymous posters. Of course, I'm a genius where film is concerned.
My point is that reviewers, who see lots of films, often have more interesting and better informed opinions about them than the average (if there is such a thing) anonymous contributor to a chat board.
Not always, mind you. My opinions, for example, are excellent, and I'm just one of those anonymous posters. Of course, I'm a genius where film is concerned
I don't like actors who show their contempt for doing a good job
directors who don't demand it
As is a big, pulsing label: "trendy."
It was a bad (careless, thoughtless, badly shot
they made a more realistic period movie
Both productions of 3:10 to Yuma are far better than this poorly written movie.
shareHow the F@%k is 3:10 to Yuma rated higher??
Because it is, in my opinion.
Remember the movie Transformers? People loved that stinking crap. Remind yourself of that whenever you consider the world we live in.
Accept it but don't fall victim to it. It will ease your mind while protecting your soul. That's the best you can do.
Appaloosa 9.5/10
3:10 to Yuma (the original) 7/10
3:10 to Yuma (the remake) yawn/10
don't read this
Totally Agree.
There's a thesaurus in the library. Yeah is under "Y". Go ahead, I'll wait.
3:10 to Yuma was good, but it was too "typical," with a ton of cliches. I liked it very much, but Appaloosa was better
The Proposition (Aussie western) was a fairly recent movie that was better than both
Uh, because it was a better movie.
Actually reason the movie didn't suck was becuase of Crowe, Bale was terrible the guy is a mediocre actor as it was observed in the dark knight with his terrible voice acting. And the fact that he was on screen with ledger only made it worse.
"Do you always go out after dark?" " You've got to go after it or it will come after you"
3:10 to Yuma original 7/10
3:10 to Yuma remake 7/10
Appaloosa 5/10
Sorry but I didn't like Appaloosa either. :( Love the entire cast, but it just wasn't engaging to me.
Yes I really am a real female, using the Internet. Hoowah.
Because 3:10 to Yuma was great, and this movie was a pile of boredom and bad acting. (Except for Viggo and Jeremy Irons)
shareIt's also rated higher on Rotten Tomatoes, which provides an aggregate score from professional film critics. 3:10 to Yuma: 89%. Appaloosa: 75%
America's top critics lavished praise on the acting by leads Bale and Crowe.
As for the public, box office results match IMDb results.
Opening weekend for 3:10 was $14 million, compared to $5 million for Appaloosa.
So far Appaloosa has earned $19 million and I doubt it will come close to matching 3:10 to Yuma's $70 million.
No matter how you cut it, 3:10 to Yuma's the superior film.
That's true but I usually don't go with the "professionals" especially with thinks based on opinion such as movie critique. If this was a mathematical concept, it would be a different story. I like IMDB because it aggregates people's taste in movies overall whether they be the most "ignorant" or the most "professional." Seems more like a true market to me where all the participants are considered. You get an average rating to which you can compare on which side of the mean you stand on. And even though movie taste is a personal choice, if you find yourself more than 2 or 3 standard deviations aways from this mean then you might want to really think about why that is so. You could be dead wrong or you might just be the enlightened human being out there from the masses.
shareTo update my figures a bit:
Appaloosa ended up with a worldwide gross of $25 million compared with $70 million for 3:10 to Yuma. It seems this film got a lukewarm reception from professionals and hoi polloi alike.
Actually, APPALOOSA also made $18 million in international-rights sales, so it did clear a nice profit. Which, frankly, the filmmakers were not expecting. It wasn't made as a commercial venture by a studio, but as a labor of love by Ed Harris. And the reviews were just fine, about 75% approval on, for example.
If you wanted to get picky about it, 3:10 cost $55 million to make, so in proportion it made less money than this one. Not that the money a film makes is any indication of its quality... And as any sensible person knows, the ratings on IMDB mean exactly nothing at all, since they are a voluntary and anonymous rating by an unknown percentage of the audience. Even the comments are only marginally useful, as you might expect. Just fun and games.
I say, enjoy whichever film you like, or both (or neither) if that's your taste, and stop trying to make comparisons meaningless to anyone except the money men and the trackers of mass appeal in entertainment.
The comparisons are hardly meaningless.
3:10 to Yuma did better at the box office, with professional critics, and with IMDb users.
OK, Amos, you have a point. But it didn't do relatively better in monetary terms...and we could go on like that for many more posts, I'm sure. Let me just say I liked this movie a lot better than that one, and I thought most of the critics called it wrong.
Glad you liked the one you did like. It would be a shame to sit through that pretentious, badly over-acted mess unless you enjoyed it.
And I suspect we're done talking.
I thought 310 was much better. Irons and Mortensen were both good, Harris was not very good though. I usually like him, but he was corny in this. I thought it was very uninvolving. Poor dialogue, weak plot, no structure of any kind. Plus, Zelwegger alone ws really enough to make me not like it. 310 has a rough ending, but was much more intriguing, had better acting and dialogue and a good story.
shareI don't think a movie in which one of the two leads forgets halfway through that he is supposed to have a wooden leg -- and who can't summon more than three expressions for his entire character -- can be said to be well acted.
And that's before I get to Russell Crowe...
But hey, if that's your taste, no wonder you didn't like APPALOOSA.
I wouldn't think that it would be necessary to explain how this site works but since people are always acting baffled by the rateings here it goes.
1. People go to see movies
2. A portion of the people who see the movies come on to this site and rate them based on whether or not that particular person liked or disliked the movie.
3. The average of the scores is given as the aggregate average score for that movie.
4. The higher the score, the higher rated the movie is.
Now since we now understand the way that the system works, I think the issue is much easier to clear up. More people rated it higher, thus it is rated higher.
I though Appaloosa was very good, but Yuma was better. Both were well acted and well cast, for the most part. But my preference is toward films that have larger themes, and as between the two compared here, that would b Yuma.
shareNow that is funny!
But I still think 3:10 was a better overall movie. But the relationship between Harris and Mortensen was top notch.
!!!CORNY!!! You nailed it! His charactor was corny. While I watched this film I was trying to get a grip on Harris' charactor, but couldn't figure it out. Yeah, he was tough and fearless and clich'ed. But at the same time he was almost child-like. Viggo was like his smarter,stronger,silent protector, but still sub-serviant at the same time. It's an awkward relationship, and one tha I dont think is realistic.
I'm posting this as a new thread. I think it should go somewhere.
well i also think '3:10 to Yuma' (8/10) should be rated higher than this film... but neither of them are on the level of 'Open Range' (2003) (9/10) which is easily the best Western out there since Unforgiven (1992) (9/10)
Appaloosa = 7/10... solid film, but nothing really great.
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