MovieChat Forums > Caprica (2010) Discussion > This Friday on “Caprica” ep 05: “There i...

This Friday on “Caprica” ep 05: “There is Another Sky”

AIRED: 2/26/10

Joseph Adama reaches out to his son, while his daughter Tamara finds a new side of the virtual world. Daniel suggests a product for Graystone Industries.

(Judging by the title, it seems there are other skies. I just hope they don't turn dark.)


Esai Morales
Joseph Adama

Sina Najafi
William Adama

Sasha Roiz
Sam Adama

Eric Stoltz
Daniel Graystone

Paula Malcomson
Amanda Graystone

Alessandra Torresani
Zoe Graystone

Genevieve Buechner
Tamara Adama

Camille Mitchell

Hiro Kanagawa
CyrJulius Chappleus Xander

Luciana Carro
Priyah Magnus

Camille Mitchell

Julius Chapple


Morale of the story - you do not want to get on a Tauron's bad side, particularly the nice ones. No sir.

Also - a deeper look into the Colonial Hedonism. You take the virtual world, where you can make anything, and what do they make? A world where realism and the permanence of death are the main characteristics.

The real world makes a virtual world to make a "real" world. There's a joke in there somewhere. Still nice to see the battlestar blimp.

Jake Meridius Conhale, at your service!
"Old Man" of the BSG (RDM) boards.


Who all's been complaining about the slow pace of the show? Well, here we have a single ep which took Tamara from scared lost girl in a strange place to the ruler of New Cap City. That's quite a rapid transformation. Possibly too rapid, but all things are relative.

I had to cheer for her when she shot that evil blonde dead to New Cap City.

Also, we see again that Daniel has no empathy for artificial sentience. He builds it, hypes it up with great praise, and sees the cylon as the ultimate slave. Even orders his prototype to rip off its own arm. Man! That had to hurt.

In all fairness, I don't thing Daniel is fully aware at this point that it's his daughter in there, but you had to feel for Zoe. She was so touched to see her daddy recognize her brilliant mind and then he goes and pulls something like that.

Sam has a lot to catch up on with his boy. Willie should have a bright future with the Ha'la'tha. That was one big rock he beaned that older boy with and the bunch of them had their hands full trying to pull him off their friend.

Bet they think twice about picking on any more little Tauron boys.

Poor Joseph. He's losing his relationship with his son and that is how his family finally convince him to go ahead with the Tauron ritual to let go of his dead wife and daughter, only to have a boy show up at his doorstep sent by his late daughter in the V-world. That's gotta be rough.

Nice. 7 new tattoos for the bereaved.


I'd've gotten away with it, too, if it weren't for you meddling kids.


One detail that I meant to add because it stuck out to me, but for some odd reason didn't: At the rite of passage, when Sam and Willie were about to get their new tattoos, an old woman sang a ceremonial song that went to the tune of the show's instrumental theme.

I thought that was cool.


I'd've gotten away with it, too, if it weren't for you meddling kids.


Three basic storylines in tonight’s episode. I’ll go over them in order of significance.

First, and most fascinating, was Tamara’s virtual world nightmare. She’s out of the black box, but stuck in the virtual teen universe – unable to get back and uncomprehending of why she is stuck there. She ends up drawn into a VR game set in New Cap City, a virtual version of Caprica City. Very spooky visuals there, particularly with the huge blimp passing by and dropping off airships or perhaps drones.

Tamara has to help rob a NCC bigwig named Chiron in order to get a promised ticket back home. Her young male partner Heracles has her distract their target by pretending she was a girl he met before. Chiron doesn’t recognize her. I couldn’t help thinking of how he might have reacted to Zoe wearing the same outfit. Chiron would probably have been desperately trying to convince her that they had met before. Anyway, Tamara gets shot but doesn’t disappear like a regular avatar would. While everyone is staring at this phenomenon, Hera copies Chiron’s avatar. But then Tamara seems to have vanished and Hera is suddenly seen some distance away carrying her in his arms. Granted, Chiron turned for a second because he felt the pulse of his avatar being drained. But, how could Hera possibly have pocketed that device, snatched her up and run off with her when so many other people were staring right at her? I’ll have to take a half-point deduction on them for that one.

Using information gleaned from other people’s earlier runs in this game, Hera poses as Chiron, gets rid of the guards, and has Tamara hop on the different symbols for the worlds (like our Zodiac) as the combination to open the safe. Oddly enough, with twelve worlds to choose from, three of the four names are Caprica, Tauron, and Geminon. Thankfully, the fourth is Picon, bringing the referenced worlds total to 6 now. The vault opens with coins floating in the air, which Hera absorbs with his device, getting 321 billion or so virtual dollars if I was reading his counter right. Guards arrive, but Tamara lets them shoot her since she can’t be harmed, and then she uses her newfound powers to somehow make them vanish.

As I said in previous weeks, Avatar Tamara’s existence isn’t at believable as Avatar Zoe’s. Since she was culled from Tamara’s old records, she could recognize her parents (from photos), know her street address and things of that nature. The rest of her personality she could only pick up from others around her. But she tells Hera that he should stop wasting his time playing this virtual game and use his energies to make a name for himself in the real world. That kind of complex thinking is too advanced for an avatar in my opinion. But I’ll accept it here as dramatic license, as it’s a great little scene. When Vesta tells Tamara she is dead and thus she can’t get her home, she tries to get her to stay and play the virtual game but Tamara shoots Vesta and all her guards, sending them back home instead. She tells Hera to contact her father in the real world.

Which brings us to storyline number two: Joseph Adama trying to win back his son. It seems Will didn’t take Sam’s advice about reporting to school first, and then sneaking off. Even with Sam taking him to school, Will still doesn’t report in to school and thus his father is called about his long absences. Joe tries to bond with him by taking him fishing. When a smart-ass kid calls him a “dirt-eater” for no reason, Will grabs a rock, throws it at the kid and then punches him out. He’s one tough kid, and that smart-ass had it coming.

To reconnect, they hold a Tauron passage rite for Shannon and Tamara. It’s a very touching service where they give a coin for each person’s passage to the next life, bid them good-bye, accept their loss, and then realize that their spirits will be with them forever. I was moved by it. And Joseph received a tattoo related to the service, so it would seem that not all Tauron tattoos mean something bad.

Then, just as Joseph is accepting that Tamara truly is gone, along comes Hera to tell him he has a message from Tamara. When Hera learns Tamara died in the maglev explosion, he runs off and Joseph is unable to catch up to him.

Finally, we have a short subplot about Daniel trying to prevent the Board from voting him out of his own company. Seems the Sarno appearance boosted their approval ratings dramatically, but that whole free product thing has the Board bummed out. Amanda gives him one helluva good pep talk about how he survived being down before. He goes to the Board meeting with Cylon Zoe having her walk around and examine the other Board members. I liked the smirk on Zoe’s face as she walked around. She also gets to hear herself referred to as a brilliant mind, instead of a monster. Daniel announces that she’s the next big thing – someone who can do the work of a human but doesn’t have to be paid! Yes, the ultimate in slave labor, and you don’t even have to feed them like human slaves. Then, to prove that the machine will obey any command, he asks the Cylon to rip off its own arm. Zoe does so with great reluctance, tearing it off, while bleeding oil or perhaps hydraulic fluid. Then she tosses it on the table for effect. The ploy works, and Daniel is kept aboard his own Board.

All in all, the episode was very interesting, particularly the virtual world storyline. The 44 minutes went by quickly. I’ll give it 8.5 Picon-Caprica-Geminon-Picon-Tauron virtual safe combinations.


by brimfin - But she tells Hera that he should stop wasting his time playing this virtual game and use his energies to make a name for himself in the real world. That kind of complex thinking is too advanced for an avatar in my opinion. But I’ll accept it here as dramatic license, as it’s a great little scene. When Vesta tells Tamara she is dead and thus she can’t get her home, she tries to get her to stay and play the virtual game but Tamara shoots Vesta and all her guards, sending them back home instead. She tells Hera to contact her father in the real world.

Again I think you're seeing things from a purely technical perspective, and from the one of the technology we know now, while the show ventures over the spiritual realm, mixing the ideas of religion and technology, spirituality and machines, the birth of the Cylon soul. And as a living being, an intelligence, though artificial, endowed with a soul, iTamara's reacting as she should. Is this realistic? Heck, I don't know the rules that should apply to souls, and where they decide to land after all, so, unlike cold machine code, things are not all black and white.


Using information gleaned from other people’s earlier runs in this game, Hera poses as Chiron, gets rid of the guards, and has Tamara hop on the different symbols for the worlds (like our Zodiac) as the combination to open the safe. Oddly enough, with twelve worlds to choose from, three of the four names are Caprica, Tauron, and Geminon. Thankfully, the fourth is Picon, bringing the referenced worlds total to 6 now.

And by directly correlating the names to their corresponding signs, any doubt as to the astrological origin of the colony names should now be eliminated.


I'd've gotten away with it, too, if it weren't for you meddling kids.


by bob-402-252005 » 2 hours ago (Sat Mar 29 2014 05:55:40)
Oddly enough, with twelve worlds to choose from, three of the four names are Caprica, Tauron, and Geminon. Thankfully, the fourth is Picon, bringing the referenced worlds total to 6 now.

And by directly correlating the names to their corresponding signs, any doubt as to the astrological origin of the colony names should now be eliminated.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Except that the zodiac is a circle of twelve divisions of celestial longitude centered upon the ecliptic with the apparent path of the Sun across the celestial sphere over the course of the year and the paths of the Moon and visible planets close to the ecliptic, as seen FROM PLANET EARTH. And these names have their origin on Kobol, not Earth, since we Earthlings descend from Capricans and not the other way around. So, how do you reconcile that?


Huh? "Earth" is a myth, said to have been settled by the 13th tribe, who supposedly left Kobol at the same time as those which went off to settle The Twelve Colonies of Kobol... E.g. Caprica, Picon, Libron, Geminon, etc.


Huh? "Earth" is a myth, said to have been settled by the 13th tribe, who supposedly left Kobol at the same time as those which went off to settle The Twelve Colonies of Kobol... E.g. Caprica, Picon, Libron, Geminon, etc.

Yes and no. Even if that's the case, civilization started on Kobol, and so did the signs of the zodiac. Whatever Kobolians are supposed to have taken to Earth was born on Kobol, not Earth. So the zodiac based on Earth skies makes no sense. But we can doubt any culture from Kobol originally survived on Earth because when the last remaining survivors of the the Battlestar Galactica (human and Cylon skinjobs) arrive on Earth, earthlings are still cavemen, with no civilization development whatsoever. Only thousands of years after that Earth civilization develops and the notion of signs of the zodiac comes to exist. Or maybe that notion was originated with the Galacticans and passed generation after generation, but the Earth we find in the end of BSG gives no sign of having every held any form of civilization.


So, how do you reconcile that?

I don't. I simply say that it's obvious where the writers got it from and file it under suspension of disbelief to enjoy the show anyhow.


I'd've gotten away with it, too, if it weren't for you meddling kids.


I don't. I simply say that it's obvious where the writers got it from and file it under suspension of disbelief to enjoy the show anyhow.

For sure, the writers used the signs of the zodiac. As for the BSG/Caprica universe, like with any complex mythology that was being built by different people, in different years, in different shows + wiki, etc, in the end quite a few things will contradict themselves or will be purely symbolic.


- It turns out the skies were dark, but literally. It was an interesting episode.

- Ha, ha! "Uncle Sam." Ha! No comments.

- Willie doesn't have to go to school. He's enrolled in the "School of Life."

- Cool nightmarish "blade-runnerish" metropolis. I like the style they managed to pull with little budget, because, my god, the budget here is low, and it must all go in the robot and the rest of the CGI.

- It seems killing is in New Cap City what flying is in Second Life. One could complain why Capricans aren't more imaginative and do crazy, fancy stuff in the virtual world. Again, budget constraints. And what reflects their values is that they seek self destruction and corruption. Yeah, see what the absence of a single god makes? The message from the writers seems to be clear.

- Fishing: epic father/son moment. Also, epic fail! That reminds me of all the "are we there yet" moments when parents decide to drive their family to the country or some place nice to spend a holiday and kids get restless because all they want is to play games or watch TV. Or to learn to be a mobster, if you're a Tauron.

- Why such a huuuge hall for such a relatively tiny board meeting table? It makes the directors feel small. Is that the intention? And it's interesting directors can always vote owners out of their companies. I wonder in how many companies this classic TV trope is actually feasible.

- Where does iZoe shop for new clothes? She seems to be showing up with new stuff regularly, but nothing too extravagant. But she could even be naked, for all she cares, since nobody can see her.

- This is how I imagined the scene:
Daniel: "U87, ripp off your arm!"
Robot shakes its head slowly.
Daniel: "Come on, do it."
Robot just shrugs.
The comedic possibilities are endless. But then, the U87 would become an Interrodroid class robot.

- Seriously now. Ripping its arm off was a grand gesture, but an empty one. But I'm sure the directors were impressed because they must be, well, impressionable.

In the first episodes, Philo explained that the chip's AI (or something, but it's understood it's iZoe's virtual soul, or something...) has hacked into the robot body's subsystems, but it wouldn't do that with other robot bodies. But if the arm can be replaced, what else could be replaced? And wouldn't that mean she could just as well inhabit another robot? Well, my theory is that she won't do it because she just doesn't want to.

Now, either Daniel cracks up that code and learns to do it by himself, or gets iZoe's cooperation to do it. but even then, how will he be able to power more than one robot at a time and have the product he promised the board of directors?

- I agree with bob, iTamara's arch was very significant and happened quite fast. And we can see where Cylons got a taste for killing and Capricans, for dying... And now iTamara is the new "queenpin" of New Cap City. By the way, that kid, iTamara's new friend, I see him in every Canadian show I watch. And he isn't even that good.

- Oh, my. Those guys are crazy about the zodiac!

- No sister Clarice this time. No Lacy. Minimal Amanda, and the little she did was useful in a non-nagging way. Good, I didn't miss them.


I was wondering about what charmed said last week, that he doesn't like any of the characters. Well, I like villains and devious characters. They can have a remarkable personality, so I like Daniel, Joseph and Sam. But even if we deem the morally reprehensible/fully criminal elements as "unlikable," a notion I disagree with, but let's run with that for a while, I still think there are salvageable characters.

I like the girls. iZoe just want to find her place in the world, and she's very cute and warm in her own way. Lacy doesn't have much of a personal life, but she's an effective friend and Clarice's apprentice. And iTamara has proven she can be a lovely kickass full of badassery. Judging by iTamara's change, I think the writers are indicating that all characters can change drastically, or at least have this potential, and that promises to deliver nice twists in the near future. So, even if a character is not so likable now, it can change into one. So, probably we can hope even Amanda will improve, because the role of nagging wife and grieving mother is very tiring for the viewers.

I also like detective (?) Jordan Durham, because he's doing what he can to catch terrorists, and even if corruption is around him, he's still clean and determined, as far as we know.

Now, some people might complain the pace of some story lines is too slow, and I can see why the show failed to conquer some types of audience. Some people prefer more standalone adventures with a clear development and conclusion. We had that with iTamara in New Cap City, but the grieving situation with the Adamas is going on forever. I don't really mind that, but some people will.

What matters to me is that each chapter weaves a little more of the rich tapestry the writers intend to show us, and this takes time for slow-burning development.

All in all, I liked the episode, and because of the iTamara's arch, I think it deserves 8 billion bitcoins.


- Cool nightmarish "blade-runnerish" metropolis.

Blade Runner. That's the other sci-fi the place reminded me of. Thanks. It was bugging me just a little bit trying to place it.

Now, either Daniel cracks up that code and learns to do it by himself, or gets iZoe's cooperation to do it. but even then, how will he be able to power more than one robot at a time and have the product he promised the board of directors?

Or meet the military contract he's already got for the things, like we was mulling over when he took U87 Zoe home to begin with.


I'd've gotten away with it, too, if it weren't for you meddling kids.


Well I'm sure the rest of the group will be falling all over themselves about what an great episode this is but alas for me it's another story. I feel as if I am trapped inside the holodeck and can't get out. virtual this virtual that and now Tamara is the queen. There is a new sheriff in town. it is interesting though the parallel of the adamas, gangsters in the real world and now Tamara is the head gangsta in the virtual world. The adamas are just gangsta's alive or dead.

Adama's kid is so irritating and that Sam is quite the instigator. again no one in this show to like. We need more Zoe. On the good side there was no Clarice in this episode.

All in all not another dark depressing episode worth 4 death coins on the Caprica scale.



by charmedwon666 » again no one in this show to like. We need more Zoe.

Why would you ask for more Zoe if you think there's nobody to like? I know personal taste is personal taste, but how can you not like the girls? They seem to have a lot going for them, and that makes them interesting characters in my opinion. don't you like at least detective Durham? He seems honestly interested in putting down terrorists. What would you change about him then?


Why would you ask for more Zoe if you think there's nobody to like?

she's pretty

don't you like at least detective Durham?

Barely even know who he is. Non entity in my book. and if memory serves correct he bent the rules to get his search warrant for the house. I'm also sure we will find a more sinister deeply depressing reason he's doing it...probably lost people on the train.


by charmedwon666 » Why would you ask for more Zoe if you think there's nobody to like?
she's pretty

That she is! But she has more qualities than that. Or did you sleep through all the robot scenes, and all the scenes with Lacy? And you said nothing about the other girls.

Barely even know who he is. Non entity in my book.

Well, you're obviously not paying attention. At least I paid attention to, urgh, Noser.

and if memory serves correct he bent the rules to get his search warrant for the house.

Even if he had, big deal. Typical antihero action in any cop fiction. This is not Law & Order (1990), it's supposed to be fun, so bending some rules are OK. No interesting cop ridiculously follows 100% of all rules in fiction. And it's not like he bribed of blackmailed anybody, or is in some crime-lord's pocket. Go watch the hero in Banshee (2013) and then we talk about fabricated warrants. Besides, he was careful enough to state to Amanda, and follow the rule to the letter, that the warrant only covered the house, not the lab.

I'm also sure we will find a more sinister deeply depressing reason he's doing it...probably lost people on the train.

Now you're just making things up. Besides, that was covered. Amanda asked him the same thing, and he gave an answer that shut her up.

Amanda: "Did you lose somebody on that train?"
Durham: "I lost everybody, ma'am." Nice reply, isn't it? But try to wake up. He'll do much more juicy stuff. It's just that this is a bit like Game of Thrones (2011), with too many story lines going on at the same time. some of them get put in the backseat for a while.

Otherwise I'll think you're hopeless.


MADP - Now you're just making things up. Besides, that was covered.

Well I'm not sure but it feels like you are deliberately trying to pick a fight with me. I am laying low watching the show, making my assessments on a show I normally would turn off and trying to get through it. I apologies if I find no interest in the characters you find so fascinating. Just not for me. As far as the other girls....who cares?.....not this guy.... the show is depressing, no one TO ME, TO ME,is very interesting, I do like the robot but I am so over the adamas, Hate, Hate sister clarice and now we are all on the holodeck. It's just not for me so I don't say much. the rest of the people seem to like it and that's good.
As far as 2011 game of thrones, there were plenty of story lines but are you telling me that there was no one to like? I found plenty of people to like and the pace was much better...TO ME.


by charmedwon666 » Well I'm not sure but it feels like you are deliberately trying to pick a fight with me.

Not at all. And I don't think the two of us would fight over something so silly. What I'm trying to do is get you more involved in the discussion process. I thought you'd need a little push. I'm sorry I tried. Don't worry, I won't bother you again after this message.

As for making things up, I was specifically referring to the fact you said the detective would have ulterior motives besides doing his job the best he could, which the show hasn't indicated so far at all, so you're projecting that to unseen episodes and based on what exactly? He's done nothing wrong so far. But personally I think that could be an interesting move from the writers if it happened.

I apologies if I find no interest in the characters you find so fascinating. Just not for me. As far as the other girls....who cares?.....not this guy....

No apologies necessary. As I said, personal taste is personal taste, and when something rubs you (or anybody) the wrong way, there's no saving it. We may get in such a negative state of mind and that clouds everything else. I was just hoping you'd provide some good reasons for that besides "I don't like that." When I said I didn't like certain (well, lots and lots of) things about The Middleman, I at least tried to explain why. And I still did my best to find some positive things to say.

As far as 2011 game of thrones, there were plenty of story lines but are you telling me that there was no one to like? I found plenty of people to like and the pace was much better...TO ME.

Game of Thrones is a better show, of course. But both Caprica and Game of Thrones have similarities, as both tell the story of different families and how their lives connect. But I would classify the Red Wedding, the castration of Theon and the beheading of Ned Stark as incredibly depressing moments, much more than anything Caprica has shown.


What I'm trying to do is get you more involved in the discussion process. I thought you'd need a little push. I'm sorry I tried. Don't worry, I won't bother you again after this message.

I am involved, I watch the show every week, when I see something I like I say so. I try not to say a whole lot of bad so my comments are short. you are not bothering me I didn't mean to sound curt or snippy even though I guess it did.

When I said I didn't like certain (well, lots and lots of) things about The Middleman, I at least tried to explain why. And I still did my best to find some positive things to say.

I have explained why. I don't find them likable. I think the Grandma is a b*tch, I don't like Uncle Sams interference with someone elses kid and sister clarice is creepy and unlikable as well. Adamas Kid is super annoying and I would have slapped the crap out of him with that pen trick he pulled. All reasons. I find the show incredibly depressing with no one to root for...again reasons.
When I see something I like I say so...Dancing robot, liked it said so. found it interesting that the adamas are gangsters in the real world and virual world as well and said so. I just don't find much to like so I don't get to say lot.
I haven't made any count down counters and placed them at the bottom of my posts or anything like that, I watch and I wait and when I find something I like I will say it.

both tell the story of different families and how their lives connect. But I would classify the Red Wedding, the castration of Theon and the beheading of Ned Stark as incredibly depressing moments, much more than anything Caprica has shown.

Yep thats true, its depressing but there are people to root for people I like. Ned was a good dude trying to do the right thing, I pulled for him, the men of the nights watch are a rough bunch but noble in trying to protect. Most of edwards family was very likable but showed warts as the seasons progressed but to me there are no noble people in this show only creepy manipulative unlikable people. I guess you could say Lacy is trying to help dead zoe and I suppose the detctive who I don't pay enough attention to could be perhaps but I'm not seeing it. The only one I like a little so far is zoe and she's there ya go.
I don't want to engage as much because I don't like it and there is no reason to spoil it for the rest of us that do. I'm glad the rest of us like it. it makes it fun. So as the show goes on, as they say in Game of thrones, My watch begins. Please don't ignore me madp I just get grouchy sometimes.


by charmedwon666 » Please don't ignore me madp I just get grouchy sometimes.

Everybody has the right to get grouchy sometimes. And I'm not ignoring you, as I just posted comment thing to you. I just don't feel like nudging and challenging you any longer.


Everybody has the right to get grouchy sometimes. And I'm not ignoring you, as I just posted comment thing to you. I just don't feel like nudging and challenging you any longer.

yep, I can be trying...just ask wlcebtg or my wife of 32 years


by charmedwon666 » yep, I can be trying...just ask wlcebtg or my wife of 32 years

I hope one day I can find that out personally and you can introduce her to me.




This Friday on “Caprica” ep 05: “There is Another Sky”

This one was a little slow for me this week who knows it might just be me. Tamara figures out she is dead but somehow lives on in vworld. She could become dangerous since she can’t leave vworld I expect to see bodies everywhere she seemed to take to the vworld killing game. Joseph was almost over the loss of his wife and daughter and then comes the knock on the door. I’m sure he’s off to vworld in next week episode. Joseph kid really beginning to get on my nerves I could do with less of him. Daniels fast thinking saved his company now they are in the AI business making killer robots for what purpose that part is still clear to me. Who are they at war with surely not the STO? No Lacy this week kind of miss seeing her was starting to get into her character. Just one shot of the evil Sister Willow what is up her sleeve she like a snake in the grass waiting to strike if you get too close. This week episode gets a five.


Still hammered with the flu--I've never been sick this long in my life. But, to the extent I wasn't hallucinating when I watched it, I think I have a few comments.

So was this a slow episode or not? Bob votes no, wlcebtg (after all these years, I still can't remember that--have to look it up every time I type it) and charmed vote yes. As do I. One of my favorite quotes from Ben Franklin: "Never confuse motion with action." There was a lot of motion here, but I'm not sure it's going anywhere. Now, virtual-world gaming is about dead last on my list of interests, and this one gave us plenty of it. I hope there's a point, and that they get to it quickly.

Again, I agree with charmed (!) that there's just no one to like on this show. Madp, that doesn't mean they aren't interesting characters, just that I'm trying to figure out how everyone can lose. Sort of like when Michigan plays Ohio State. The only characters I don't dislike are Zoe and Tamara, and ole Tammy's starting to push it. And neither one of them are real.

I don't understand the trouble with the Zodiac names. Madp, I think you're looking at it backwards. There is a prominent crater on the moon named Tycho. There is also an important 17th century astronomer named Tycho Brahe. Now, you may say that it makes no sense that Brahe's parents--not knowing their new son would become an astronomer--would name him after a crater on the moon. Especially a crater that hadn't even been named yet. But it's the other way around. The crater was named after the astronomer. You needn't try to figure out why these colonies were named after a set of constellations that those people couldn't have known about. They weren't. The constellations were named after the colonies.

So how is Greystone going to build an entire company on Cylons, when he doesn't even know how to build a second one? That's the key question. It'll be interesting to see what his answer is.


"So how is Greystone going to build an entire company on Cylons, when he doesn't even know how to build a second one? That's the key question. It'll be interesting to see what his answer is."

What your feeling on this comment Stone we've spent years building one system or one chip and later saying we are in full production. Comments like this alway bring me back to your famous snow flake theory. Well better get back to connecting dots.


That was me, not Stone. And now you have to explain the snowflake theory!


by dtmuller » 1 hour ago (Mon Mar 31 2014 13:06:23)
That was me, not Stone. And now you have to explain the snowflake theory!

Yes, please do. What is it?

As for Daniel making a second Cylon, will it depend only on his skills, or the cooperation of iZoe? I honestly don't remember that part.


That was me, not Stone. And now you have to explain the snowflake theory!

No it was me, he's talking about our real life job industry. We make an incredibly advanced piece of electronics and once we make one we tell the world we are production ready.

the famous snowflake theory was originated when I had to deal with our Japanese customers. wlcebtg and I were in a high level meeting where everyone wanted to know why the complaints were coming in and what we could do about it. after long winded guesses and outside the box thinking the head man finally asked me what the problem was and I said....the problem is, these electronic pieces are like snowflakes no two are alike. It loses something in the translation but if you were there it was quite a moment and has lived on long past the meeting.


by charmedwon666 » No it was me, he's talking about our real life job industry. We make an incredibly advanced piece of electronics and once we make one we tell the world we are production ready. (...) the problem is, these electronic pieces are like snowflakes no two are alike.

Wow, you must be a real-life Daniel Graystone, minus the bad stuff, of course. Congratulations. And thanks for the explanation on the theory.

Something I've been meaning to ask, for over a year, actually, why "charmedwon666" and "Agent Stone" anyway?

Something TV-related. There's a new show called Halt and Catch Fire (2014) with our old "friend" Lee Pace. I think you might be interested in the subject. I am.


Something I've been meaning to ask, for over a year, actually, why "charmedwon666" and "Agent Stone" anyway?

This comes up from time to time. Yes it's TV related. When we started all this back in the day I was watching the TV show Charmed. so when I created the imdb account I went with that name.
Agent Stone came about because at work we all had code names so if we were talking about someone or things we didn't want our actual names associated with we went with code. the actual name was...Josh Stone Secret agent. but for some reason wlcebtg never could get the order right so he just started calling me stone and it has stuck all these years.

may have to check out the halt and catch fire. I do like lee Pace in a bunch of things.


About why they're making the Cylons - man has never had much issue finding some reason to fight each other. The Colonies are independent nations, they don't always get along.

Jake Meridius Conhale, at your service!
"Old Man" of the BSG (RDM) boards.


Random advertising.....

My boss simple know to me as Dr. B. Tooth is in danger of not reaching his kickstarter goal. Pass it on to anyone who might be intersted. Only a few days left.
