Tonight’s show was mostly focused on a single event – Greystone’s appearance on Sarno’s show – prep, event and aftermath. All were very well-handled and intriguing.
Prep – Daniel is giving “talking points”, and told what the audience is looking for. He tells his wife that a comment won’t “play well.” All very reminiscent of a political debate preparation and the concept of spin – trying to put a good face on something bad. Amanda finally admits her daughter may have been just running away and not a terrorist. Daniel reminds her she started this ball rolling by making her opinions public. She protests she didn’t do it deliberately, but that now he is!
Event – Sarno starts out with a bad monologue comparing his joke bombing to terrorist bombing. Daniel attempts to start with a bit of a joke himself which falls flat. I felt myself cringing for him. He ends up saying his daughter was “troubled” though he didn’t want to use the term before. Sarno jumps on it like it was a smoking gun, while Daniel’s colleagues concede it was the wrong word to use even though they had chosen it. Suddenly, Amanda charges onto the show and rescues the situation, saying that Zoe was “angry” not “troubled”. Not sure why “angry” sounds better than “troubled”, but perhaps “troubled” is associated with “disturbed”, while angry could be thought of more as “frustrated.” It’s all semantics.
Daniel in effect wins the debate by suggesting that he will no longer profit off the sale of the “holobands”, which Sarno and others were trying to say led to the terrorism. Making it non-profitable does not really cure the problem but it turns out to be a good PR move. Sarno credits Amanda with the best save since some event in a pyramid game, and she responds how about a comparison where the Bucs won the game? Again, that all sounded like dialogue that might be said on this faraway world.
Aftermath – Amanda has a scary drive home after Sam passes himself off as a driver for the studio willing to take her home. At home, she watches the show again and later she and Daniel banter about what other people are saying about the Graystones and the interview.
Other events in the show: William’s grandmother seems even more Tauron than Sam. She’s okay with Will ditching school as long as he’s with Sam, tells him you often get more favors from your enemies because they’re afraid of you, and jokes about playing jacks with the finger bones of young boys who have lost the game earlier. I’d say no wonder Joseph and Sam grew up like they did, but apparently she’s the mother of Joseph’s wife. She is fine with having Amanda murdered, but fortunately Joe has a change of heart and lets her live. Sam, who seemed a little disturbed at being ordered to kill her last week, now seems disappointed in Joe for changing his mind – telling him he’s acting more Caprican than Tauron.
Clarice’s cult not only believes in polygamy, but spouse-sharing as well. Zeon was keeping explosives in his school locker. Cylon Zoe is nice to the tech - who is supernice to her - and even dances for him.
Drawbacks to the story – the GDD supervisor refers to the god the STO believes in as a “moral dictator” with indignation. Does that mean his multiple gods do not have some kind of moral code? If they do, then are they not dictating morality as well? Is it okay to have a moral code just as long as it’s from several gods instead of just one? Or do his gods allow people to do whatever they choose?
On the flip side, Sarno talks about what the teens do in their virtual world teaches them behavior with no consequences, leading them to the STO, because it has a god with rules – and then to the irrational step of terrorism. If he is complaining the teens have no rules, doesn’t this mean that they should have rules? Parents should be limiting their teen’s time in VR based on a reward system for doing their studies, etc. Or perhaps the teens should be obeying the laws of their god or gods. The concept of a god with rules and the holoband VR world don’t seem connected – they’re more like opposite ends of the spectrum.
And the whole profit margin argument. The idea often cited in legalizing drugs is that people will take drugs anyway. Why not legalize them and let companies and the government make those profits instead of drug dealers? I don’t see how eliminating Graystone profits will change anything. The kids are aware of the holobands and enjoy them already, so they won’t stop using them. It really won’t change much of anything, except put the Graystone Company in worse shape than it already is (except for the PR boost.)
Also, Daniel blurts out that he has an avatar of Zoe. He does do a nice save in talking about it, but that will lead to more issues, among them that now Clarice knows for sure the avatar is real.
Anyway, I give the episode 8 chicken bone jacks for being well-written, suspenseful and thought-provoking.
by brimfin » 1 hour ago (Fri Mar 21 2014 13:49:56) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Drawbacks to the story – the GDD supervisor refers to the god the STO believes in as a “moral dictator” with indignation. Does that mean his multiple gods do not have some kind of moral code? If they do, then are they not dictating morality as well? Is it okay to have a moral code just as long as it’s from several gods instead of just one? Or do his gods allow people to do whatever they choose?
To me that's been quite clear that with a plurality of gods you can choose which ones to follow, or at least have a contrasting moral code. I believe monotheists, on the other hand, would have reservations against the moral relativism that this would cause. One single moral code becomes the work of a dictator, according to Capricans.
On the flip side, Sarno talks about what the teens do in their virtual world teaches them behavior with no consequences, leading them to the STO, because it has a god with rules – and then to the irrational step of terrorism. If he is complaining the teens have no rules, doesn’t this mean that they should have rules? Parents should be limiting their teen’s time in VR based on a reward system for doing their studies, etc. Or perhaps the teens should be obeying the laws of their god or gods. The concept of a god with rules and the holoband VR world don’t seem connected – they’re more like opposite ends of the spectrum.
You're right, it doesn't seem to make much sense. But I was under the impression that Capricans see this one god's moral rules to include bombing trains. But in the end that was not very clear.
Other events in the show: William’s grandmother seems even more Tauron than Sam. She’s okay with Will ditching school as long as he’s with Sam, tells him you often get more favors from your enemies because they’re afraid of you, and jokes about playing jacks with the finger bones of young boys who have lost the game earlier. I’d say no wonder Joseph and Sam grew up like they did, but apparently she’s the mother of Joseph’s wife.
That was established in the beginning. Their relationship has always been a little difficult. Joseph lost his wife and daughter. To add insult to injury, now all he has of his family is his mother-in-law. Tough break, Joseph.
Hello Brimfin, Nothing particular in your comments to say just a general applause on the whole thing. very well written and easy to follow your reasoning.
i think the key to taking out the profit angle for the holobands is explained just before daniel says they will not be profiting. he argues that the reason the hedonistic stuff, the human sacrifice and whatnot that zoe would have seen, happens in there because of the profit margin involved.
a) i'm not sure i understand that argument, but it does exist in regards to the same VR world where the point to the new cap city segment is built around putting realistic consequences into an unrealistic environment
b) i don't like the argument that the hedonistic tendencies lead to violence but i understand why the characters would--plenty of people make that leap in the real world, so why not in caprica?
"We all think your daughter is a terrorist. What do you have to say?" "Just two words: FREE PRODUCT!" (Audience clap their hands.)
I'm glad all it took was an honest heart-to-heart conversation to clear the Grayson name. Well, not completely, but the interview did a lot in their benefit. Think what you want, but I've always liked Daniel. He's the kind of suave, smooth-talking, manipulative villain. (Well, in a way the show is full of villains, so it's hard to say who's actually bad.) How can you NOT like a guy like that?
The Tauron's symbol is a bull. It seems the 12 colonies also has Latin in its roots. What a coincidence. Maybe that's where we got Latin here on Earth. Now I'm thinking ancient Taurons were their ancient Romans. It seems the writers didn't do much work writing the history of these planets, and just used ours, and in a badly disguised way.
Another ting about Taurons: some of them are Asians, like that girl backstage. And Joseph's wife was blue-eyed and light-skinned. It seems being a Tauron is more of a cultural thing than a racial one after all.
Underfunded cops: they use old monitors, with non-flat screens. And apparently running on something that resembles DOS. How quaint.
It seems like a stupid move to check the lockers and not the students' backpacks. But then I don't know what the warrant included, and I must have missed that class in my e-mail course on Caprican law.
Polygamous marriage: too much work. Too much kissing, too much involvement. And you sleep on the same bed with a guy, eventually. Not for me, thanks.
Zoe looks very cute dancing, but I still can't see the robot as a female. Sorry, Zoe and Philo.
This episode was better known for what didn't happen. The police didn't catch the STO kid with bomb stuff in his locker. Sam didn't kill Amanda. Daniel didn't get crucified on TV. Lacy didn't meet the big Kahuna that will take her and the robot to Geminon. Philo didn't kiss the robot (Yet, I guess.) Too much about what didn't, little about what did.
Paper-thin computers or VHS tapes? Holobands or computers with bubble-like screens running on DOS? Hmmm... I find it hard to decide which one I prefer. I have to get back to you on that.
Still, a good episode. The quality in this show goes steady. This one gets 7 moral dictators..
"Tauron children play jacks with the finger bones of the Tauron children who lose at jacks." Creepy joke to be sure, but eventually nobody would be able to use the knives they seem to love so much.
I, too, caught the irony of Sam first looking worried that Daniel would want him to kill Mrs. Graystone and then had contempt for him changing his mind.
Apparently, the group marriage model has all spouses being bi for each other. They woke up snuggling girl-girl and boy-boy before changing partners to end up boy-girl, boy-girl. Not much like the Mormon example anymore.
Nearly the whole Sarno appearance was anticlimactic enough to almost miss one little thing: Clarice now has verification that he does have the avatar she wants. No good can possibly come from that.
If I were Keon, I would so be developing a crush on Lacy right about now. (Unless, of course, one had developed when she tackled him.)
Speaking of crushes, looks like Zoe has one on the technician. Talking sweet to her and then where he puts a tool. In the immortal words of Jessica Fletcher and George Takei, Oh my!
I was sort of glad it was the girl they showed dancing. Sexy! Although it would have been funny to watch the robot dance like that.
Yeah, every episode leaves me with something to say about her in her current virtual form so I'm just gonna call the avatar Zoe and if I need to refer back to the original girl add the modifier to that reference instead. Probably easier that way.
Almost seemed like a cheap dramatic device for Sam to frack with the entire audience as he's fracking with his brother over killing Amanda Graystone or not. Am I the only one who thought about Pulp Fiction when he was washing up?
Interesting the Tauron pronunciation for "Joseph." It's like a cross between the Islamic form of the name, Yusuf (Like the singer formerly known as Cat Stevens.) and the German pronunciation of "Joseph."
In all, this is one of those eps. that everything I take away from it is disjointed, but still reasonably cool. 7 pickpocket text messages. ___________
I'd've gotten away with it, too, if it weren't for you meddling kids.
by bob-402-252005 » Apparently, the group marriage model has all spouses being bi for each other. They woke up snuggling girl-girl and boy-boy before changing partners to end up boy-girl, boy-girl. Not much like the Mormon example anymore.
I suppose they would rotate their positions in bed, because those lying on the bed sides would be getting less action than the ones in the middle. As I said, too much work for me, too much sharing, too little privacy.
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Given this one a seven this week. When I watch this show time just seems to go by no chance to nap during this show to much information for my mind to process. Love all the retro stuff I see when watching this show. High tech with the old blended in love seeing the propeller driven blimp float by. Got a chuckle out of Sam’s bobble head bull on his dash who thinks of all these little details. I want to know who is the mole that keeps tipping of Sister Willow someone high up is feeding her information. Tough school she runs kids keeping explosive inside their locker. Amanda saves the day on the BackTalk TV show Daniel wasn’t doing to good with the deck stacked against him. Think God now the go to vworld without paying wow can’t wait. Not much activity with iZoe this week just her human boyfriend working on her chest what does this young man sees in that robot. More advice to Amanda don’t get into cars with strangers you would think as important the Grainstones are they would have security around the clock. Again I miss thing why did Joseph call off the Tauron bull what changed his mind. Did something happen on the talk show?
by wlcebtg » Did something happen on the talk show?
Is this a rethorical question or you missed the outcome? Ultimately, Graystone promised to give up profits from holobands and the audience clapped hands, in a good PR move that helped recover his image.
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Here is the thing, after this episode I know why I would not watch this show. It's sooooooooooooooo slow. it's just depressing and slow. I found the drama build up to killing Mrs. Graystone to be forced and not that suspenseful. Though I did find the exchange between Sam and Joseph to be well done after he wasn't sure if Sam had killed her or not. There is no one in this show I care about, I hate them all. Though I still find virtual Izoe compelling. I did enjoy the scene where izoe was dancing with the other boy. It all just seems to forced and way to slow developing. At some point the pace must be going to pick so to that I am sure the shows coming up will get better but with out this intrepid group there is no way I would have ever gotten to them. I have not given up yet but I need someone to root for and I aint seeing it and I need the pace to pick up some........Hell even the sweet old Grandma is a super b*tch. All in all yuk. I give this one 4 slowww moving search warrants on the Caprica scale. only 15 left.
by charmedwon666 » Here is the thing, after this episode I know why I would not watch this show. It's sooooooooooooooo slow. it's just depressing and slow.
Oh, come on, pal, relax, sit back with a cold one and watch a Terrence Malick movie...
It's interesti8ng you should mention slow stories with unliakble characters, when I'm just on a break from watching Watchmen (2009) Ultimate Cut. And I'm loving it. Again, our contrasting tastes.
I feel your pain, man, when you commiserate, all I have to do is think of that you-know-what show... But all in all you seem to be taking it well enough. Maybe a countdown counter will help you. Hang in there a little longer.
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To me that's been quite clear that with a plurality of gods you can choose which ones to follow, or at least have a contrasting moral code. I believe monotheists, on the other hand, would have reservations against the moral relativism that this would cause. One single moral code becomes the work of a dictator, according to Capricans. (madp)
A solid counter-argument. I can see the logic.
"We all think your daughter is a terrorist. What do you have to say?" "Just two words: FREE PRODUCT!" (Audience clap their hands.)(madp)
Well put.
Underfunded cops: they use old monitors, with non-flat screens. And apparently running on something that resembles DOS. How quaint. (madp)
I also noticed old-fashioned electric typewriters on the desk. Let’s keep our eyes peeled for more old-style gear. Also, one character referenced Aerilion this week, though I don’t remember in what context. That makes Caprica, Geminon, Verges, Libron and Aerilion mentioned so far. Let’s keep our ears pealed and see if they reference all twelve before the series ends.
Speaking of crushes, looks like Zoe has one on the technician. Talking sweet to her and then where he puts a tool. In the immortal words of Jessica Fletcher and George Takei, Oh my! (bob)
I almost mentioned that myself. If that other techie had tried to make an adjustment there, she probably would have handed him his head.
All in all yuk. I give this one 4 slowww moving search warrants on the Caprica scale. Only 15 left. (Charmedwon666)
Cheer up. It’s only 14. The guides that say 19 episodes were listing the pilot as a two-parter and we already watched both parts together.
Hello Brimfin, Nothing particular in your comments to say just a general applause on the whole thing. very well written and easy to follow your reasoning. (Charmedwon666)
About the polytheists viewing monotheists, i believe that was basically what the GDD cop said in the pilot.
"following the word of an all knowing god who's will cannot be questioned".
The dancing scene is one of my favorites, particularly for the Colonial Anthem reference. Also, the song playing is by Captain Ahab, a group that Bear McCreary is a member of.
Ah, Philo, you poor deluded fool.
Jake Meridius Conhale, at your service! "Old Man" of the BSG (RDM) boards.
Still with you guys. I've been traveling, overloaded at home and now I'm sick. (Hey, there's a surprise!) I'll catch up with you next episode.
You're right, Charmed, this one was sloo-ooo-oow. Hope we've seen the last of that talk show host. His interviewing skills are worse than his joke delivery.
Bob, I agree, that sure didn't look like any Mormon "arrangement" I ever imagined! Actually, everyone in bed with everyone else, living together in one big house, etc. reminded me of the Charles Manson "Family". Probably a better analogy.