You know, I actually liked iAmanda better. Her matrix was unstable, but at least she was not as emotionally unstable as the real thing. iAmanda is far from a wife someone could love and be loved by, but I just don't like the real amanda, sorry. Oh, well, truth be told they are making the Amanda character interesting for a change (finally) with her spy shenanigan, but still I wouldn't like her as a wife.
Indeed, I think Amanda and Agent Duram make a better couple than Amanda and Daniel. Perhaps, after the show is over, Jordan and Amanda could open their own detective agency, and if it's successful it could last the whole 58 years the planet has left... No more than that, of course. Anyway, the part Amanda lied to Mar-Beth about her postpartum depression was intriguing, because she seemed sincere, the story made sense, but apparently it was a lie. So, I wonder what Amanda's pregnancy and Zoe's birth were really like.
Anyway, whatever Amanda is selling, Mar-Beth isn't really buying it. The problem in that house is that there are too many women, and if on wife per family is complication enough, imagine several! Ha, ha. Just kidding, the more the merrier, of course.
It's chilling to think humans are teaching Cylons so well how to kill other humans. Later they'll ask themselves where those toasters got these ideas. Talk about killing a fly with a cannon, or whatever idiom you English speakers use. A lot of firepower for a personal vendetta, though I have to admit Sam did what he had to do, and, as Brimfin pointed outm, you don't let an enemy live. It worked, I grant you, but at what price? Sam has no idea of the consequences. And the Guatrau, in his whole innocence" says that a weapon is as smart as the hand that wields it, or something. Speaking of smart, that was ultimately stupid whenever a Cylon is involved.
So we learn that the Guatrau is not a Tauron-born, so this is why he "doesn't get it." This definitely CANNOT end well, with the moods being stirred so violently among Tauron fundamentalists, especially with a revolution going on. Also, we've learned what Ha'la'tha means, something to do with the soil all around us... In that case, it makes sense that the Ha'la'tha should be faithful to the Tauron soil, in spite of the government commanding it.
Evelyn's moment conquering Joseph's affection was touching and beautiful, and once again I agree with our friend: that was a great outfit with matching pearls. It seems Joseph is slowly pulling himself together. First he recognized his Tauron roots, changing his name in the process. Now, once he has abandoned his obsession with Tamara, it seems he's building his personal life again. I just wish they hadn't put Willie's story with the mob in the back burner for such a long time, because that was simply forgotten.
Wow, what a horrible Graystone commercial for Grace. And a fine acting job by Eric Stoltz, because the avatar, which was not even properly "rendered," presented sort of wooden acting skills. Daniel still tried to save face saying that he wasn't against the concept itself, but it cost him dearly to pretend he still had some say in his company. But it's his fault ultimately because it was he who looked for the ha'la'that and he who proposed the selling of this product, which, let's face it, many will call an abomination. And judging by Avatar Amanda, they don't even have a viable product. And what's the deal with this third shift? That seems, well, shifty... (Ha, ha, you like it?)
No iZoe, iTamara or Lacy this time. Oh, well, when you have a big cast you either do it like some episodes of Game of Thrones, hope around the place with a three minute-scene with each and every character, or dedicate an episode or two to one group of characters. The problem with Caprica, however is that the writers tend to seem to simply forget things they began, as dtmuller so aptly reminds us.
And I completely agree with our friend "bob-number sequence" as the birth/love making montage in the end was very well done, especially enhanced by the musical score.
Some memorable quotes (I'm paraphrasing because I'm too lazy to check):
Guatrau: "There's no substitute for the real thing." (Daniel's face was priceless.)
Atreus: "If you mess with our gun business, the soil is gonna get crowded." (He was an incompetent gangster, but his self-fulfilling profecy was a nice touch, and an ironic one.)
Cylon: "Mission accomplished. By your command." (Chilling... Just chilling.)
Amanda: "So say we all." (It wouldn't be the BSG universe without someone saying that every once in a while.)
All in all a very interesting episode. I give it 8 agreeable Avatar Amandas.