Caprica by the numbers
Tragically, data was lost on episode 10 due to what we call arbitrary obliteration. Well, maybe not “tragically”, perhaps more like “to my annoyance.” Well, never mind; it’s unlikely it would have had any significant effect on the overall numbers. There were already some unusual circumstances anyway. Charmedwon was unable to complete his rankings, but did file the proper medical excuse form. Wlcebtg did not rank every show, and Robert only ranked a few of them, but I will generously include both their rankings because this is all for fun, and there are no rules about having to put a number in every single week. Besides, the more data, the better. So, without further ado, here are the results:
Overall ranking for show (by averaging all episode rankings)
Madp – 8.11
Bob – 7.71
Brimfin – 7.5
Robert – 7.25
Wlcebtg – 6.8
Charmedwon - 5.1 (remember, he didn’t get a chance to see the stronger later episodes)
Highest –ranked episodes by individuals
Madp – Apotheosis (10)
Brimfin – The Heavens Will Rise (10)
Bob - Apotheosis (10)
Robert – Blowback & The Dirteaters (8)
Charmedwon – Tie (Rebirth & Imperfections of Memory) (7)
Wlcebtg – 4-way tie (Gravedancing, Imperfections of Memory, Blowback & The Dirteaters) (7)
Best episodes by overall ranking
Here Be Dragons – (9)
Apotheosis – (8.75)
The Heavens Will Rise – (8.25)
(These were the last three episodes, and the next two highest-ranked ones were the two episodes before them.)
Lowest-ranked episodes by individuals
Madp – 4-way tie (Rein in the Waterfall, Gravedancing, Know Thy Enemy & Ghost in the Machine) (7)
Robert – Apotheosis (6)
Brimfin – Pilot (5) (I also ranked Retribution with a 5, but the Pilot was the weaker of the 2)
Wlcebtg – Retribution (4)
Charmedwon – Pilot (3)
Bob – Know Thy Enemy (3)
Worst episodes by overall ratings
Know Thy Enemy (5.4)
Ghost in the Machine (6.125)
3-way tie (Pilot, Rein in the Waterfall, Retribution) (6.2)
Most consistently ranked episodes
Here Be Dragons (9,9,9)
Blowback (9,8,8,7,8)
Imperfections of Memory (7,8,7,7,7)
Least consistently ranked episodes
Pilot (3,5,6,8,9)
There is Another Sky (8.5,8,7,5,4)
Average episode ranking overall: 7.2375
Average episode ranking for Middleman was 6.9917
Wasn’t that fun?