The future

I don't think we have any idea how true this will be? I am a lucky person and was born 1955. I have always had an interest in electronics and SiFi. I built my first computer back in the mid 70's I stumbled on the Internet via a university bulletins board via a 110 board rate modem that I hacked. I have and is still involved in electronics to this day.

The young ones take what we have for granted and use it as it is..... I turn technology up side down and make it do more than what it is meant to do.... I know there are people out there like me and I know Caprica is not for away... Maybe when I am gone but not that far. As a Christian I also see the conflicts. I am a Solder on the one as there is only one true God.....



Jake Meridius Conhale, at your service!
"Old Man" of the BSG (RDM) boards.


You heard the man!

President of the Twelve Colonies


Heard? Yes.
Understood? Frak no.

Jake Meridius Conhale, at your service!
"Old Man" of the BSG (RDM) boards.


President of the Twelve Colonies


...Alrighty then, you are aware Caprica and the entire Battlestar Galctica franchise is set in the distant past?

Superman & The [Red-Blue] Blur = The Man of Steel


Uhhh dude. That BARELY made sense. And by the way Caprica takes place 100,000 years AGO.




"All this has happened before. All this will happen again."


Humans on Kobol made Centurions, Centurions made skinjobs, cylons caused holocaust on Kobol and everyone has to leave. Humans go on in 12 tribes and find a new home while the skin jobs, without centurions go off to create Earth as the 13th colony. Cylon Skinjobs on Earth eventually evolve to procreate and in essence become human, then they create centurions and there is a war that destroys everything but the final five. Then back on the colonies, Graystone "invents" the first new cylon on Caprica, time goes on, and there is a war.... again. the final five are the ones that brokered peace and then taught the centurions how to make skinjobs and made 7 more models. then they all come back in force and we are given another holocaust. The survivors then eventually learn all about their past and make it to what they come to call Earth and 150,000 ish years later, here we are trying to invent artificial intelligence to create worker robots. Next up comes the newest cylon war. Yay! :)

I know this is a several year old post, but I'm bored...



its 50 years before BSG


at least a year passed during the show =D


Too bad nobody on the board understood you, they care more about when the BSG franchise is supposed to happen (who cares really) than how close this show is tied to the real world. You couldn't see it in 2009, but it's getting closer to reality everyday. Anyone heard of the Human Brain Project or DARPA Robotics Challenge? Check it out, this is what the OP is talking about. We're probably only one or two decades away from U-87.


Too much magic in Caprica for it to be Jules Verne.


Not that I am a computer specialist, but I guess you mean 110 baud rate.
