Pilot question

Now correct me if I am wrong but If my memory serves me correctly, when the show aired...not the dvds...not the reruns, but when the very 1st eppisode "Piolt" aired on July 18, 2006. I know Jack and Zoe passed themselfs on the way into Eureka but if I remember when they were leaving didn't it show them passing each other again this time (like in the finale) showing from the oppisate side...I could swear thats what it showed or am I completely gone with my brain pan...

I'm not saying its a plot hole or anything wrong I'm just asking for help making sure I'm not crazy.


No, they were on the same sides of the road as they were in the pilot.

I don't remember everything from the pilot since I haven't watched it for ages, but people here have said the vehicles were different in the pilot and the finale. Meaning Jack and Zoe leaving were in a different vehicle in the finale then they were in the pilot and that I believe in the pilot the Zoe leaving was waiving at the Zoe and Carter coming in. I could be wrong on the latter part, but I thought someone had brought that up also.

Minds are like books, they only function when open.
