A Question

Near the end of the last episode Allison tells Jack he was going to be a father AGAIN. IT seems like that is something you say to someone who you have already had conceived a child with I though the last child had Starks as the father. Perhaps he has adopted her children and in that sense is how she meant it. Any thoughts out there on this. It not a big deal, i was just wondering how one says this when both parties know he is not the father of either of her children.

I have missed parts of the series so maybe some one can fill me in.


Since Kevin's father has never been explained, we're assuming even in the new time line Stark was Jenna's father and he died in both timelines it would make since that both kids look to Carter as that stable male figure. It's been established that Zoe's relationship with her mom/carter's ex is strained at best (in the other timeline, since she's not mentioned in the new one I'm thinking they aren't on the best of terms either) Zoe looks to Allison as mom. Alli has always pushed Zoe to be better than just some angry delinquent kid and has always been kind to her.

Being an only child then having siblings and a mom she can get along with is, in her mind, great. I honestly see Zoe returning to Eureka to be close to her family after college.

Back to Allison. Jack's already a dad to Zoe. You might as well call him the only
father type figure her kids have had. I can honestly see Alli formally adopting Zoey and Jack formally adopting Kevin and Jenna.

Who knows, maybe this kid will have Autism. Maybe she was always meant to have 3 kids (well, 4 if you count zoey) and one of those 3 have Autism.

Fat People Are Harder To Kidnap


Thanks a lot I did remember Zoes mom from earlier in the series, she was a babe. but that was way back then. It is odd they never went back to her mom in recent seasons.


Near the end of the last episode Allison tells Jack he was going to be a father AGAIN. IT seems like that is something you say to someone who you have already had conceived a child with

Why would you think that? The alternative would be if she said, you are going to be a father. He's already a father.

It's not as if she said "we're having another baby." Technically, that would be true since each had a baby before, but "we" would seem to go along with "another" and that would be wrong.


Are you forgetting about Zoe? Carter already has a kid, now he's going to be a father again.

Prof. Farnsworth: Oh. A lesson in not changing history from Mr. I'm-My-Own-Grandpa!


I think this really isn't very difficult. Like king of bob says-- he is father to Zoey.

He already IS a father (to Zoe and to Allisons children) so now he will be a father again. Thats all there is to it I think.


No, he's a father already because of Zoe. Of course he's also something of a father figure to Kevin and is basically Jenna's father, having helped raise her since birth.

"Unless Alpert's covered in bacon grease, I don't think Hugo can track anything."
