I had a bit of trouble thinking of a title for this post. Basically, what I'm wondering is how many actors from Eureka have had parts, either recurring or one-time, on Smallville? So far I've seen Henry (Dr Steven Hamilton; recurring), Fargo (Russel Burton; one-time) and Deputy Andy (Wade Mahaney; one-time).
Human beings are an irrational species. Some are even afraid of pickles.
That's so true. I just watched Continuum and I spotted the cigarette smoking man from the x-files, the cute asian scientist girl from SGU (Jennifer Spence, also on eureka for an episode), Bratac from SG1 (also on once upon a time), and Lexa Doig.
I don't know if anyone else spotted this, but the guy who played Congressman Faraday on Eureka was Narim, one of Sam's many love interests on SG1, AND Weir's boyfriend Simon on SGA. Guy really got around.
I could go on like this forever, I have a lot of fun playing spot the guest actor.
I haven't made it that far yet, but I certainly wouldn't have missed her if I had. I'm sort of in the same boat as you. I watched bits and pieces of episodes here and there, but I never really got into the show until recently. There was nothing on tv, so I was perusing my OnDemand selection and I came across it on the TNT channel. It made me want to go back and start from the beginning. I'm on season 2 right now
Human beings are an irrational species. Some are even afraid of pickles.
I just remembered another Eureka actor that was on Smallville. I didn't think of it right away because I was thinking of seasons 1 & 2. In a later season, Vince (Chris Gauthier), the owner of Cafe Diem, has a part in a few episodes as Winslow Schott/Toyman.
Human beings are an irrational species. Some are even afraid of pickles.
I've come across another one; Laura Mennell, who was in one episode of Eureka as Dr. Rivers. In Season 8, episode 15, as a nurse named Toni. She's also in the finale as Janet Dawson.
Human beings are an irrational species. Some are even afraid of pickles.