MovieChat Forums > Eureka (2006) Discussion > Errors that bugged you the most

Errors that bugged you the most

Right now I am watching "Have an Ice Day", and Tess is explaining to Jack about the arctic ice core. Aside from the massive faux pas that she clearly has to be speaking of antarctic ice, her teaser for the trip is "we got a very special delivery today. About 750,000 yrs.", and Fargo adds, "give or take a few millennia." Then we're treated to the massive core, appearing to be possibly 50 meters in length (and going on into blackness) and Jack is told a millimeter or two represents about 10,000 years, huh? I still LOVE Eureka, but the lack of basic fact-checking in geography and math make this one a major test on my ability to put knowledge and logic aside and just enjoy. Anyone else have similar experiences?


No, it's a television show, just go with it. I suppose you found faults when they turned into animated characters?


No, I loved that. If it is something the show is pretty much inventing, I'm all good. Polar ice caps exist and scientists study core samples of them everyday, getting that fairly close to right shouldn't be too difficult.


Re-watching the series on Netflix I noticed something in season 3 "I Do Over". At the end Nathan says to Carter "Remember, my ego can't fit in the building.". Well, since that was on a day that Carter was stuck in a time loop, Carter actually said that in what would have been TWO days prior to the day Nathan repeats what he said. So Nathan would have never actually heard Carter say that.


There you go, had I noticed, that would bug me too. Glad someone gets the concept that wishing for internal consistency is not the same thing as bashing creativity.


True dat! I watched the episode yesterday and that struck me as soon as he said it.



Awwwww that's so cute! Those 'Eureka moments' got to me a little at the beginning, but this was basic measuring! Like a character saying Jack grew an inch every year he was alive, and he's 2 years old.

