MovieChat Forums > Eureka (2006) Discussion > Should any Eureka people go to Ware Hous...

Should any Eureka people go to Ware House 13 ?

Since Eureka has had its last episode, I was wondering how any of you would feel if a couple of the Eureka characters became reacurring characters on
Ware House 13 ? If so, which ones ?

Fargo is in love with Holly, so that means that he wouldn't be trying to hook up with Claudia... Even though she is the hotter of the two red heads in my opinion !


Exactly what is DARPA ? Where Holly and Fargo are going? Maybe that group could involve itself with Artie in the future? MAybe Artie and his group trap a wormhole and need Holly and Fargos help?


DARPA is a defense research agency.

Personally, I don't know if anyone would fit in with Warehouse 13. They have enough people now that expanding it with Eureka alumni would seem a bit overkill.


I dont follow Warehouse 13, they do not have it on sy fy latin america so I have not seen it so I dont really care, I want Eureka's character in their own toons, anime, manga, comics, videogames, movies, etc.


Maybe Fargo and Holly could appear as guest characters, but not as regulars.


A lot of actors from Eureka have guest starred on Warehouse 13, but only Neil Grayston has appeared as his character of Fargo, right?

Hmmm... I actually think that I would like to see Matt Frewer as Dr. Taggart appear on Warehouse 13.

LIZ 10:“I’m the bloody Queen, mate. Basically, I rule.”Dr.Who


Not "a lot": aside from Grayston, only Erica Serra and Niall Matter have appeared on W13. Grayston was the only one playing his Eureka character.


I think Chris Gauthier has appeared in Sanctuary and Smallville in the past and I keep thinking that he's been on Warehouse 13 when he hasn't been.

LIZ 10:“I’m the bloody Queen, mate. Basically, I rule.”Dr.Who


And Joe Morton.
I think he was on the week after Jo and Zane.


I think they should all go there. And they should clear out the artifacts and replace them with lab equipment and tech. If they happened to cut most of the WH 13 cast that would be ok; maybe make them guest stars here and there. And no, I'm not suggesting that they change the name of the show or move the warehouse nearer to a specific town - that would be silly.


haha I don't watch warehouse13, but if that happens I might.


Fargo should, not Holly.

Unless Holly ends up the unfortunate victim of an artifact, which I would be all for. (She actually managed to get MORE irritating after she died and "came back." I loathe the character! And I was very unsatisfied with Fargo's ending, it was the only part of the finale I didn't like.) The only plus is that they didn't get engaged or married, so if WH13 wanted to use him in the future, it could certainly happen.


I wouldn't want any to become a recurring character, but wouldn't mind an occasional episode with an Eureka character the only problem would be since Eureka is now privately own most of the characters probably wouldn't have the clearance to get into Warehouse13.

When it comes to bad writing, bad acting, no one does it like the 'SyFy' channel.


I'd like to see Fargo and/or Holly visit, but just once in a while. Maybe a couple of times a season.

And I'd like it if Carter did, too.

Jag är DotP

