MovieChat Forums > Eureka (2006) Discussion > The Finale makes me think jack + zoe are...

The Finale makes me think jack + zoe are dead (here is why)

I think jack and zoe never made it to the "real" eureka and bought the farm on the road going there and here is why:

1st: the reason for the two versions coming and leaving eureka seeing each other is never truly explained.

2nd: It could have been a "closed curvelike timeline" involving all of their lives in eureka across several alternate dimensions(starting in the original universe and ending in post-Dr grant universe)but what kind of device in either "eurekas" would be that powerful or effective to do such a thing without destroying those universes especially if it was a unintentional "accident" in all those universes.

3rd: the happy ending nature to the whole ordeal jack found a smart, loving, hot wife and zoe found a great brother and a boyfriend not to mention that both developed great friendships there and an awesome life in eureka with everything moving in their favor; Oh allison is going to marry another man? just let the universe unravel to solve that problem and bring her back to your arms sheriff carter, the town is going down? here comes Dr. grant to the rescue, zoe is not doing well in school? nothing that a dimensional switch cant fix. Its just too convenient to not be "heaven" their version of it anyway probably they imagine the place as "eureka" because they still dont accept they are dead which would explain why they see themselves leaving and returning to the town after a certain time there.

4th: it would explain certain things about the series-town like the 2nd episode titled "many happy returns" where a dead woman appears to come back to life (an idea by the way used up to the very end see Dr. holly marten)of loss and renewal
Dr. Noah Drummer and those christmas episode specials like "Do You See What I See" the possibility of area 51 and those amazing artifacts actually existing (feels more like the imagination of an ultra smart comic book fan teenager running out of control)

5th: carters journey into the "wormhole" in the final episode felt a lot like a near death experience where people remember or see their whole life passing by their eyes.

6th: the fact that eureka had smart enemies that could have killed them before they got there in the first place. (yet conveniently did not)

I know its sad but they would not be the first ones to try to pull off a similar twist see similar offenders Quantum Leap and Lost


Put down the Red Bull and get some sleep!

Jag är DotP


Don't think too much about it.

He'll deal with it tomorrow.


That's right, he'll deal with it tomorrow.

zoe is not doing well in school? nothing that a dimensional switch cant fix.

I can identify with turning things around in school, fast. In my first quarter of middle school I hung out with the wrong crowd, got a bad report card and my science teacher sat me WAY in the back of the class every day along with the other screwups. I didn't like it at all. By the end of the semester I worked my way up to the top of the science class -- tied for first place.

It was a let down though when the school made us change science teachers for the next semester and the teacher's seating chart had us in alphabetical order. lol

Cheese time.


Why does a similar thread like this pop up every time a show ends? Is it the same guy going around posting these?


If they were dead then it would mean that Alphas and Wh13 are also part of their "heaven" as Wh13 has been linked to both series, with Fargo going to the Warehouse and Claudia coming to Eureka.(and the Female dr. in Wh13 appearing in Alphas)


epileptic trees time! it is epileptic trees time!


Yeah, the "they died" theory makes zero sense in terms of the finale. If they were dead then everything that happened in the finale would have been a dream, because they were interacting with everyone.

Besides, this show had alternative timelines, alternative dimensions and doubles - having the two Jacks pass each other is explainable in so many ways that is consistent with the show.

At its core, Eureka very light-hearted - unlike a lot of sci-fi, it wasn't dark. They wouldn't diverge from that lightness in the finale.


There is no way to be 100% sure is it? just because a series started with a certain "vibe" doesn't mean it cant change later and there are tons of examples of that. crossovers also don't guarantee anything the people from eureka could have moved on independently to what happened to jack and zoe or it could all have been part of a afterlife dream with no real consequence in the warehouse 13-alphas-eureka universe. I am not saying I am absolutely right (I am probably not) but due to bad writing its an outcome that seems very probable unfortunately. Of course this is just my humble opinion. Please people don't lynch me online for thinking outside the box for a change.


This isn't thinking outside the box, this is thinking in soap-horror clichés. Its being inconsistent with the show doesn't make the idea creative or interesting - just inconsistent with the show.

Jag är DotP


The end of the series finally is from the first of the pilot episode. In the pilot they pass there future selves leaving Eureka. In the pilot they never explained what happened to cause that. From a story perspective they linked the final scene of the series to the first scene of the series. We will probably never know why unless they make Eureka TV movie which I don't think they will do.



Yeah, it probably won't. Then again without the DoD holding them back, maybe they can run things better this time around. Of course if they ever make a Eureka movie there will definitely be chaos...

Cheese time.



Seymour-Pats on Thu Jul 19 2012 22:57:23 Yeah, the "they died" theory makes zero sense in terms of the finale. If they were dead then everything that happened in the finale would have been a dream, because they were interacting with everyone.

Besides, this show had alternative timelines, alternative dimensions and doubles - having the two Jacks pass each other is explainable in so many ways that is consistent with the show.

At its core, Eureka very light-hearted - unlike a lot of sci-fi, it wasn't dark. They wouldn't diverge from that lightness in the finale.

so true, I felt it completely consistent and after seeing them pass themselves in the pilot I always wondered when we see them going the other way in the car. Under no circumstance did any of the OP's ramblings where even remotely possible, he's stupid and clearly never got this great light hearted show. it was a perfect ending. Lost ending was utter crap after promising for years that they werent dead, no we will never end the show like that we promise!!! d**ks!!! ruined what I thought was a great show and it became a waste of my time with that ending!!!

"*beep* me gently with a chainsaw" Heathers


First of all, none of the 6 items are actually reasons you think what you think.

You had a thought, and you tried to find clues "congruent" with your thought. Then you offered those things as evidence. Consistency and congruence aren't evidence. It doesn't explain.

The show involved death and dead people in some plots over the FIVE YEARS of storytelling... AHA!!!

A lot of people in Eureka wore sneakers. That's not evidence Nike or Reebok had anything to do with the town.

Its just too convenient to not be "heaven" their version of it anyway probably they imagine the place as "eureka" because they still dont accept they are dead which would explain why they see themselves leaving and returning to the town after a certain time there.

It doesn't "explain" any such thing.

Many things work out great for characters the audience is supposed to be rooting for and "heaven" is the "explanation?" Death and heaven must be everywhere for you as you cruise literature.

Sorry, Gilligan's Island is not Paradise Lost w/ a catchy theme song.
Although, I'm guessing it made more money. :-)


lol i felt if they were going to nod to the pilot, at least go back and watch the Other car that they were passing, and match it.

Its clearly Jacks car, and zoe waves in the pilot lol
Finale, Its the Jeep and they both seem confused. I really dont care about this "flaw" either lol to it could be changed due to the alternate timeline. iuno but just my 2 cents

Attention: you have just been hadoukened
