Allison's password

I imagine that this has been explored elsewhere but I don't know where.

I was watching the ep, "Try Try Again" and in the scene where Stark and Allison are transferring control of GD, they each type in their passwords.

I don't usually pay attention to minutia but I happened to notice that Stark types 2554766 which spells "ALLISON" on a standard number pad.

Allison then types 8675309 but I can't figure out if that spells anything. Nothing is jumping out at me like Stark's did. Am I missing something obvious or is she just less sentimental?


If I'm not mistaken, and I don't think I am, Allison's password is from an old song. I don't remember it, I just remember there was a song that had a bunch of numbers in it and I'm positive those were the numbers.

Edited: Yup, from a song. Do a search for 8675309 song and you'll find it. Don't know if the writers did it purposely though or didn't even realize they were doing it.

Minds are like books, they only function when open.


As soon as you said it, I remembered that song but hadn't made the connection at all.



I guess you guys didn't grow up in the 80s. That song was EVERYWHERE. I recognized the numbers as soon as I saw them.


I did grow up in the 80's, just haven't heard that song in 13 years.


Same as bryan. And I didn't even see the password so couldn't make a connection until he posted about it.

Minds are like books, they only function when open.


Ha ha ha I love your comment. That song is such an ear worm I thought it was hilarious that you recognized it was from a song, but didn't remember the song itself. As soon as I read this thread I was like "Eight Six Seven Five Three Oh niiiiine!". It's already stuck in my head again.


Regarding her password on a different note, when she punches it in, the way the camera was showing, anyone standing besides her would've have been able to see her password. But isn't she the only one who was suppose to know it since it was the master password?


That's why the biometric safeguards as well.

Kinda like on Star Trek when Picard authorized his identity to the computer it was never...

"<full voice> Computer, Recognize Picard <whisper> Alpha Tango 6 3 7 " ;-)
